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Question about Public Wifi

by /u/standalonechair · 0 votes · 2024-04-30 03:15:00

So everyonce in a while when using tails ive been using my universites public wifi, its probably not a good idea so im planning to stop. But usually when I log into it without tails I have to enter my username and password through a web page that it automatically opens. But when using tails it never asks me for any of that info and just logs me in automatically at first I thought it could be storing my MAC adress but realized that tails changes it on boot everytime so it couldnt be that. Similarly my university has another guest wifi which also opens a browser and makes you click an agreement everytime you want use it not remembering your MAC, but when using tails it doesnt do any of that and also just automatically connects. So im wondering why its doing that and if I should be worried at all.

Comments (2)
/u/[deleted] · N/A votes · 30th April, 2024 - 16:38 · Link

Maybe ask /d/OpSec considering you haven't gotten any answers here.

/u/whataname · N/A votes · 3rd May, 2024 - 09:11 · Link

It sounds as if you could be using two different wifi networks or access points where one needs credentials and the other doesnt. Thats just a guess though. Tails doesn't bypass the need for credentials. Thats the main purpose of the Unsafe Browser, to login and then close it! Either way your right about tails generating a new MAC address for each boot so it shouldn't be possible to link it to your PC. Maybe best to use another public wifi though for tails if you dont want to risk getting kicked out of university...