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some random deepweb questions

by /u/civilwarnigha11 · 0 votes · 24th January, 2021 07:07

Hi, im newbie to deep web(using it for few months) and i have some questions about it that i dont know where to ask to get answers i wanna know. Im not even sure this is right page to ask them but its worth a try. So those are the questions;

Are drug markets (like WHM, cannazone, ect..) most hated places on deep web for police or ther ar some deeper shit that goverments want to take down more than markets

Is there some markets that you can order hitmens, buy guns and that kind of stuff or that is only myth to scare people to not enter deep web(dont need links if there is, i just wanna know is it true)

Is there market for weed seeds that deliver worldwide even if you live in country where seeds are illegal too(for that i would like to get link)

If this isnt place where i can ask this questions or get answers for them, can you tell me where i can ask them, is there some darknet facebook where users talk about random questions

Thanks for understanding and sorry for bad english ;)

Comments (3)
/u/Paris · N/A votes · 24th January, 2021 - 07:22 · Link

"Are drug markets (like WHM, cannazone, ect..) most hated places on deep web for police or ther ar some deeper shit that goverments want to take down more than markets" There is always a police focus on illegal activities. It's no doubt that there is more money to be made for the police to recoup the investment into getting into and taking down drug markets. That isn't to say I wouldn't speculate heightened police presence on things like child porn forums compared to carding forums. That kind of thinking is flawed though. The police focus is things that illegal. While they put priority on the things which does the greatest harm it's ultimately a reward based system based on the lowest investment for the highest results. Simply put. The focus is picking the low fruit, not cutting the tree down. "Is there some markets that you can order hitmens, buy guns and that kind of stuff or that is only myth to scare people to not enter deep web(dont need links if there is, i just wanna know is it true)" Yes. They are mostly scams or LEA informants. No market within the dread ecosystem can allow that kind of offering. So you will not see any markets you find on here offering such things. "Is there market for weed seeds that deliver worldwide even if you live in country where seeds are illegal too(for that i would like to get link)" There is multiple specialized weed markets which have offers such as seeds. Check CannaHome or Cannazon. This is the correct area to ask questions and things. It's not so much for shopping but for talking.

/u/civilwarnigha11 · N/A votes · 24th January, 2021 - 07:39 · Link

Thanks for answers, im glad i know where i can ask this kind of questions that must seem stupid to you guys and still get normal answers.

/u/[deleted] · N/A votes · 24th January, 2021 - 08:45 · Link

this is a forum inhabited primarily by junkies, we get stupid questions all the time. In fact i have one for you. could you explain your usernmame? cuz the way i'm reading it... i just think im reading it wrong.

/u/civilwarnigha11 · N/A votes · 24th January, 2021 - 17:59 · Link

actualy, i can't explain it, i was stoned af when i made an account and i can't remmember why i wrote it. I would ask same stupid question if i had someone to ask lol

/u/dreadonthehead · N/A votes · 24th January, 2021 - 12:54 · Link

I think he's saying he wouldn't mind a civil war in the states. Maybe a left vs the right conflict or black vs white. That's what I'm getting out of it, just my opinion

/u/samwhiskey · N/A votes · 24th January, 2021 - 07:20 · Link


/u/usatabletpress · N/A votes · 24th January, 2021 - 08:59 · Link

Their is a great article on the clear web about what you can and cannot buy the darkweb, hitman no. Just google its a good read.