
N/A subscribers


How long before a mod helps with a dispute?

by /u/Ih8u · 0 votes · 2024-04-14 23:14:00

I ordered something a month ago that never showed. vendor claims to have shipped it and was delivered but refuses to provide tracking number to prove he actually ever sent anything. Ive tried to resolve with vendor but hardly ever does he respond and when he does its the same thing as before, completely ignoring everything ive asked and no tracking number.. I said its simple, please provide the tracking number that shows my order was sent and delivered and ill happily release your money, and If youre unable to please release mine so I can shop elsewhere..
my concern is after all this time messages are starting to disappear from auto delete after 14 days, so much of the evidence of my attempts to solve this with the vendor are going away.

Comments (1)
/u/IsellOxys · N/A votes · 14th April, 2024 - 23:52 · Link

Create a dispute and if you already did then after a certain amount of days, the mod option should pop up. They give you a couple of days before you can ask for mod so that hopefully you can resolve the issue without involving the mods. Once Mods get involved they will usually have the Vendor PGP the tracking, so they can check for theirselves but every situation is different. Im almost sure thats what will end up happening. I hope you get your refund if you didnt get your product. I cant stand Vendors that try to scam money out of customers smh. They dont realize that if they actually provide the product for the customers, that they will make 100x more because the customers will come back and shop again..... Good luck bro.

/u/newbieforever2018 · N/A votes · 15th April, 2024 - 00:36 · Link

Thank you. Indeed seven days after dispute is filed the request a mod button becomes available.

/u/fibergen14 · N/A votes · 15th April, 2024 - 01:03 · Link

Seriously. The only thing I can think of with vendors scamming like that is they must not have the ability to actually provide good products and customer service but they want to be greedy and make money so they just resort to scamming. It doesn't make sense otherwise because like you said, they would easily make 100x more money from return customers.