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General question regarding my history with TOR

by /u/PrimeHydroOB1454 · 0 votes · 29th November, 2023 21:41

[ANSWERED] I'm a completely new user of TAILS and being on these sites. However in my past, I've used TOR to browse markets. Most likely scam ones from the hidden wiki. And I've recently just finished reading the DNM bible and I've learned a lot. And with all that reading, I think it's become clear to me that using TOR on TAILS is the best and using it elsewhere is not the greatest idea. If I ever wanted to purchase from a DNM, does my history with TOR do anything at all? Or would that just be an issue if my stuff were to be seized? Before I ever do anything (if I end up at all), I'm trying my best to make sure the steps are done properly to stay anon.

Comments (2)
/u/HeadJanitor · N/A votes · 29th November, 2023 - 21:46 · Link

You past history with Tor is gone. Those circuits and sessions are done with. The Tor Browser is designed to avoid writing any sensitive data to disk unless the user changes the default settings. From here on out just make sure you keep JavaScript disabled and you will be fine.

/u/PrimeHydroOB1454 · N/A votes · 29th November, 2023 - 21:58 · Link

That's great to hear! I had faith in tor to think that way but since I'm generally new to this stuff, I didn't wanna trust my gut all too much. And I'd think I probably used the "standard" safety option when doing that back then. But now I think I'm a bit more aware and will proceed with caution.

/u/HeadJanitor · N/A votes · 29th November, 2023 - 22:16 · Link

You got it. Keep educating yourself as much as possible. It won't hurt and will only help.

/u/Paris · N/A votes · 29th November, 2023 - 21:47 · Link

Great job reading up on the stuff and keeping yourself safe. You are now far safer than 99% of the people who use the DNM. Just browsing things don't really matter too much when it comes to history. There shouldn't be any trace that you should really worry about.

/u/PrimeHydroOB1454 · N/A votes · 29th November, 2023 - 22:01 · Link

Ha thanks! I'm trying my best to be very safe because Ik it's not a good thing to fuck around with these things. Thanks for the response!