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There's a glitch with the rotate to prove you're a human

by /u/TheBenzoLova · 0 votes · 16th September, 2023 16:57

OK, so I use TailsOS for everything when I go on DNM. The Tor browser on there has a built in link to Dread which works, however, NO MATTER HOW MANY FUCKING TIMES I type in my credentials then do the rotate to prove you're a human test, even when I know I'm 100% right, it says it fails. I've done it 30 times in a row, same thing, again KNOWING I got it right.

I get on the Tor browser on my Windows PC, I sign in and get the pattern right the first time, every time (with an occasional fuck up). This does not make sense, and wanted to make you guys aware of it, because I fucking rage when I'm already booted into Tails but have to restart into Windows to log into Dread to post something.

Comments (4)
/u/Shakybeats · N/A votes · 16th September, 2023 - 18:27 · Link

Make sure you are not over rotating. If you do it will fail. Click reset and start over

/u/TheBenzoLova · N/A votes · 16th September, 2023 - 18:34 · Link

Appreciate the advice, but I've been using Dread for years and I can replicate this issue 1,000 times if needed. I just logged in on Tor on my Windows PC fine, I always get it first try, I'd say 99% of the time. On TailsOS in the Tor browser? Fuhget about it, IT DOES NOT WORK. It is so frustrating, I'd much rather browse Dread on TailsOS than on Windows, it's definitely a glitch.

/u/jopwer21341 · N/A votes · 16th September, 2023 - 20:24 · Link

Never liked tails, so many problems and constrictions with it that unless you do almost nothing on the dark web other than browse its useless, i guess the occasional small time buyer wouldnt mind using it. I use whonix and it works fine thru there, id say get yourself the cheapest external ssd or a pretty fast usb drive and install debian, or some other linux distro and then put whonix onto it. Wouldnt recommend ubuntu but its a good start and got to be better than windows. Hard at first but once you learn it youll be glad you did.

/u/xxshadowxx · N/A votes · 16th September, 2023 - 20:24 · Link

I'm using Tails and I don't have this problem however I do see another problem every once in a while where the image rotation CAPTCHA to post is completely blank (no image just blank white) and all you have to do is click "rotate" once then "next" and it always solves successfully.

/u/Shakybeats · N/A votes · 16th September, 2023 - 21:51 · Link

Not an issue with tails. That's part of our dynamic captcha system. Once it determines you re human it will no longer show you the captcha. You can click submit, no need to rotate at al.

/u/xxshadowxx · N/A votes · 16th September, 2023 - 21:53 · Link

I didn't think it was an issue specific to Tails just something I had noticed. That makes a lot of sense though thanks for the info!

/u/anyong1 · N/A votes · 16th September, 2023 - 21:15 · Link

Rotate to correct spot and wait a few seconds before moving to the next one, that works for me.

/u/teletubby · N/A votes · 30th September, 2023 - 07:45 · Link

I've seen it also. The stock photos aren't checked for being straight up. Somethings on the internet aren't all autistic finger mashers like monkeymarket. Somethings are actually automated. Whats your favorite benz?