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Monero Desktop Client Doesn't Sync

by /u/0b1sh1n0b1 · 0 votes · 2nd January, 2021 08:30

So, first time using this currency, used others before.

Desktop GUI doesn't sync, keeps choking trying to sync the block chain.

At the same time, uses all my I/O bandwith.

without getting into details, this rig has considerable bandwith.

Any ideas? Running linux.

Comments (2)
/u/Paris · N/A votes · 2nd January, 2021 - 10:18 · Link

Read this and download the blocklist. There is an attack right now on the Monero network. /post/ef29da096f60ce60af9c

/u/0b1sh1n0b1 · N/A votes · 4th January, 2021 - 22:35 · Link

scholar and a gentleman. Thank you.

/u/DoubleDimension · N/A votes · 2nd January, 2021 - 08:49 · Link

check out FeatherWallet from /u/ThotBot its muchhhhh better!!

/u/0b1sh1n0b1 · N/A votes · 4th January, 2021 - 22:35 · Link

I am actively tracking feather wallet, but saying its in early alpha stages of development are generous. I wish the developers all the best of luck, and have thrown my two cents in as far as what I want/need feature/security wise. However: At moment of writing its nowhere near ready for production.