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How do I find out which version of Electrum I have?

by /u/Slyvestertheboy · 0 votes · 2020-04-17 04:32:00

Hi guys, I hope this is the right subdread.

I downloaded Tails 4.5, and I'd like to know which version of Electrum comes with it. I assume it's the latest (3.3.8, I believe?), but I just want to be 100% sure because, as I'm sure you know, versions from last year are not secure.

As an aside, how would I have found this out in Tails without asking? As it comes pre-installed I don't think I can find the file to check.

Cheers, hope you're all staying safe and healthy.

Comments (3)
/u/[deleted] · N/A votes · 17th April, 2020 - 12:55 · Link

Electrum is fine again in Tails for a few releases already. If the software for which you want to find out the version does not provide you something where to check it you could look at Tails changelogs to see which changes were introduced in which version: https://git.tails.boum.org/tails/plain/debian/changelog For Electrum for example you can see that it was last updated in 4.0~rc1 to version 3.3.8-0.1 so this should be the one still used now.

/u/ImpeachTrump · N/A votes · 17th April, 2020 - 06:12 · Link

Got to "Help" > "About". Should say something like this in a newer window; Version 3.3.8 Electrum's focus is speed, with low resource usage and simplifying Bitcoin. You do not need to perform regular backups, because your wallet can be recovered from a secret phrase that you can memorize or write on paper. Startup times are instant because it operates in conjunction with high-performance servers that handle the most complicated parts of the Bitcoin system. Uses icons from the Icons8 icon pack (icons8.com).

/u/canadacustoms · N/A votes · 19th April, 2020 - 08:36 · Link

Yup doesnt raellly matter anymore its plug n play with newer tails versions and electrum

/u/ImpeachTrump · N/A votes · 20th April, 2020 - 00:16 · Link

You should download your copy of electrum, and just steer clear of using TAILS OS built in one, save it onto your persistence folder. I personally never hit the electrum option on TAILS, as well as not use their broken pgp encryption software that comes out of the box with TAILS, download gpg4usb, it's universal and versitile, and you can save it on your persistence and actually do more options with importing and exporting private and public keys, need more help on both those just email me at [email protected]

/u/assortmentking · N/A votes · 1st June, 2020 - 22:01 · Link

You are full of bad advice. First of all, the copy of Electrum that comes with tails is the exact same version as the most recent version of electrum that you can download. So you, don't know what you are talking about. Just go to your terminal and type "electrum -v" and electrum will start in verbose mode showing you the version on the very first line. Secondly, YOU SHOULD NOT be using other gpg software with tails. Tails is specifically designed to keep noobs safe and that is why it is so limited in scope. The less options there are, the less you can fuck up. Don't listen to this opsec clown please, he has no clue what he is talking about. If anything learn how to use gpg in the tails command line. You can start by opening up the terminal and typing "gpg --help" or if you want to go further in depth, you can type "man gpg". That is what and all you should be doing. Anyone download other software on tails because it has more options is an idiot. You only add software to tails if it is an absolute and total necessity, such as adding an XMR wallet if you are a market vendor. Tails is good, really good. It does exactly what it's supposed to do and it does it well. It keeps you safe on the dark net. Don't fuck it up with modification. If you want to customize your dark net OS then just download debian or cubes with whonix for gods sake and configure it yourself. But that takes a lot more knowledge. Stop spreading bad information man. Because thats what you are doing.

/u/canadacustoms · N/A votes · 19th June, 2020 - 00:58 · Link

thanks for the reply.. this is what I thought. Each time you download something thats another point of vulneraibility

/u/assortmentking · N/A votes · 19th June, 2020 - 03:30 · Link

No problem. And yes you are right. Tails was designed to minimize it's attack vectors. The more stuff you download is the more unaudited (by the tails team) stuff you have on your OS, and thus, increases your attack vectors. Like I said, tails is good, because it does exactly what its supposed to do (protect you), not because its full of features.

/u/canadacustoms · N/A votes · 22nd April, 2020 - 02:52 · Link

Thanks for the tips I'll look into that

/u/assortmentking · N/A votes · 1st June, 2020 - 22:02 · Link

Please read my posts before you take any advice from /u/ImpeachTrump

/u/Slyvestertheboy · N/A votes · 17th April, 2020 - 15:36 · Link

Thank you both for the help

/u/assortmentking · N/A votes · 1st June, 2020 - 22:11 · Link

Please read my posts before you take any advice from /u/ImpeachTrump