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how much money should be spent on buying monero for a first time purchase?

by /u/CrAnz12 · 0 votes · 2023-12-16 04:47:00

Just wondering what the average amount of money people spend for a first time purchase would be?

Comments (8)
/u/luomo · N/A votes · 16th December, 2023 - 04:54 · Link

what do you even mean?

/u/INPGPWETRUST · N/A votes · 16th December, 2023 - 09:02 · Link

I refuse to believe whoever made this post is a Human. Anyways the answer to your question is, What ever you have in your account divided by the diameter of the sun.

/u/MonologuevsDialogue · N/A votes · 16th December, 2023 - 14:19 · Link

Wtf??!!🤪 Lmfao!!!😆😆😆 Damn!! Chill out bro

/u/Octopus · N/A votes · 16th December, 2023 - 06:29 · Link

You could purchase a Hofmann as your first buy as well as get 1kg if you're rolling in cash... Your post makes no sense.

/u/publikliability · N/A votes · 16th December, 2023 - 19:56 · Link

*START SMALL, test out the minimum amount they let you do tbh, you can always invest or trade/buy more of it later once YOU KNOW how the system works a bit better. (*e.g. $5-10) Y'all are jackasses. I'm a noob too, this is a valid question. WTF is crypto worth when the grid goes down? After ALL WE ALL START SOMEWHERE and ARE NAIVE TO BE banking on having "crypto currency" - WHICH IS HIGHLY VOLATILE and unstable. Did any of you even receive a a basic college education? I came to dread as a resource and all I see are a bunch of 16 y/ors who hate themselves and take it out on people like this in comments to feel better about themselves.. Great job y'all. ^To answer your question fmore fully riend, I'd start with the smallest amount the allow just to test to make sure things go through OK, I'm new to BTC and CRYPTO period as well, and for the last year involved in it, I can attest there are many fees, expect it to constantly change and fluctuate (more or LESS stays close to the USD, but depends on the day, hour, second, it's highly volitile - yet seemingly quite reliable. Most wallets will have their own service fees, I've encountered many fees along the way and am working on mitigating those, so START SMALL, you can always do more LATER right? ;) we can't even see that's allegedly going to arrive to our vendor, and it's all done throughout the digital realm. When the gold in my pocket has more value t

/u/noechans211 · N/A votes · 22nd December, 2023 - 20:26 · Link

I agree, it's about 50 percent shit talkers, 30 percent gatekeepers and 20 percent informed individuals who don't mind helping here and there. AND those categories overlap. Your advice to start small is good.

/u/qwerty13246587 · N/A votes · 17th December, 2023 - 15:14 · Link

start small. don't do anything in large quantity. depends on what you purchase, but I would say less than $100, maybe even $50 for a single item.

/u/CardedWoo · N/A votes · 16th December, 2023 - 07:28 · Link


/u/BadFishBad · N/A votes · 16th December, 2023 - 08:22 · Link

'bout tree fiddy

/u/b1ankface · N/A votes · 16th December, 2023 - 18:42 · Link

bro what? monerotoruzizulg5ttgat2emf4d6fbmiea25detrmmy7erypseyteyd.onion/2021/04/24/this-year-in-monero.html