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Encrypt my Laptop?

by /u/geekroy · 0 votes · 10th April, 2024 00:22

Hi i am have a laptop with windows 11 and i want to encrypt my laptop fully to do blackhat things. I dont want to change my os i have software that only works with windows. Help me with best software paid or free or open sourcde dont care but i want to fully encrypt my laptop.

Comments (9)
/u/cli_junkie · N/A votes · 10th April, 2024 - 00:30 · Link

get rid of windows first. linux can now run 98% of things that windows can. Ever heard of virtul machines??? yea man, definitely get on that. ubuntu install, setup luks encryption. then setup kvm and load a windows VM. It's the only options

/u/[deleted] · N/A votes · 10th April, 2024 - 00:31 · Link

What is the laptop specifications?

/u/DrugTown · N/A votes · 10th April, 2024 - 00:32 · Link


/u/GatorQuest · N/A votes · 10th April, 2024 - 00:42 · Link

You should jump to qubes and setup a HVM with windows running behind tor. Qubes will let you encrypt everything from the installer with luks

/u/heapoverflow · N/A votes · 10th April, 2024 - 00:43 · Link

Why would you risk your privacy and freedom with Microsoft? At a minimum, use a Linux virtual machine and encrypt the vm storage. Then just for good measure, encrypt your entire disk with Veracrypt.

/u/boofmonster · N/A votes · 10th April, 2024 - 02:27 · Link

Maybe a dumb question but is doing blackhat things without Kali Linux even a good idea?

/u/lostkitten · N/A votes · 10th April, 2024 - 05:41 · Link

Kali Linux is terrible for black hat things. It's good for pen testing, but has terrible security.

/u/sidewaysboof · N/A votes · 10th April, 2024 - 09:36 · Link

security is only as good as the individaul using the distro

/u/asfaleia · N/A votes · 10th April, 2024 - 06:38 · Link

How it comes that you ask how to encrypt your win11 drive if you are capable to do "backhat things"? Just curious. First and foremost is that you get rid of any windows (or run it in a VM if you must) and set up properly your digital lab first and take care that you are tight before you engage in anything serious. But I doubt it if you cannot do such a basic thing as drive encryption.

/u/caenum · N/A votes · 10th April, 2024 - 08:14 · Link

Veracrypt, works well on Windows. I would not recommend windows for 'blackhat things'... It kinda sucks all around

/u/tabot · N/A votes · 10th April, 2024 - 12:01 · Link

hit ur self with ransomware that u should edit its password