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Multicrypto wallets for tails?

by /u/upinsmokee · 0 votes · 2024-04-17 01:20:00

Are there any multicrypto wallets that work for tails? Looking for a wallet so I can hold alts like eth/sol/bnb/shitcoins etc. Want all my coins routed thru tor like my xmr and btc

Comments (3)
/u/DigitalShaman · N/A votes · 17th April, 2024 - 02:08 · Link

I have no idea but i feel like it's an interesting idea/question so I've upvoted and commented in hopes it'll get you a little more attention. Yay for privacy.

/u/miner21 · N/A votes · 17th April, 2024 - 05:11 · Link


/u/CYBERCHAD · N/A votes · 17th April, 2024 - 11:59 · Link

how's your comment relevant to the OP?

/u/JasonJones86 · N/A votes · 19th April, 2024 - 01:52 · Link

No, sorry to disappoint but there are good reasons why not. Network apps which support Tails also have to support Tor and are almost always more security-focused than your average "do it all" wallet on e.g. Android. The smaller and more targetted an app can be, the smaller its code base can be which means the devs are less likely to release versions with vulnerabilities which could be catastophic on an anonymous OS like Tails. Remember, downloading extra software is one of your biggest risks of being deanonymized. It's better to have a separate wallet program for each coin and it's a bad idea to be using a load of different coins on Tails in the first place. It's designed for performing specific tasks privately and anonymously and you should use the most reputable coin for any given task that you can.