
N/A subscribers


1 Hugbunter has gone rouge.

by /u/HumboldtGrowers · 0 votes · 2nd July, 2018 10:31


Comments (6)
/u/HugBunter · N/A votes · 2nd July, 2018 - 12:19 · Link

Hey I removed the post, you're literally spreading fud for no reason mad. I set the dev password to something simple so you could access it while the permissions broke.. I haven't changed anyones account passwords, if I wanted to I could just change the deposit addresses to my own from the database. The only reason my account has higher permissions is because it is required when adding updates to access things that you could easily break if it were editable with a normal admin account, that is the point in a developer account. I'm extremely busy with everyones sites at the moment and had messaged you on Jabber. There's literally no issues, anything you are experiencing on the site just let me know on jabber and it will be fixed and I have your ad banner to send so you can put it live and the sponsored post ad wasn't working so will be fixed asap, it means updating dread aswell as shops, I just have a lot to work on so obviously there will be delays.

/u/mollyringwald · N/A votes · 4th July, 2018 - 23:37 · Link

I want to know who has access to the deposit addresses? I made a purchase Monday afternoon, and the $900 in bitcoins now show that they have been spent and moved from that address. What is the status of my order/money?

/u/HugBunter · N/A votes · 4th July, 2018 - 23:44 · Link

I'm looking into what happened at the moment and have managed to replace the site with a warning temporarily. As soon as I have access to the logs and database I will know more, I'm hoping most coins still made it to HG's wallets rather than whoever was accessing the site. I can't provide any more details as to specific orders etc since I don't have any actual timeframes on when things started to occur. Just be aware that I am taking full responsibility for this at this moment in time. I will be personally refunding HG's customers if I cannot determine anyone else to be liable for this.

/u/mollyringwald · N/A votes · 5th July, 2018 - 00:41 · Link

Thank you for the quick reply. Please keep me posted.

/u/WeedMan2019 · N/A votes · 2nd July, 2018 - 10:33 · Link

cant upvote this either...

/u/YezzusIsyezzy · N/A votes · 2nd July, 2018 - 10:34 · Link

Or down vote

/u/nodsquad · N/A votes · 2nd July, 2018 - 10:44 · Link

I can both upvote this post as well as downvote.. just saying.

/u/HumboldtGrowers · N/A votes · 2nd July, 2018 - 10:48 · Link

yeah im glad its working now

/u/killswitch · N/A votes · 2nd July, 2018 - 10:35 · Link

I just upvoted to prove it's not disabled.

/u/YezzusIsyezzy · N/A votes · 2nd July, 2018 - 10:36 · Link

Yeah this is humboldtgrowers alt that is werid i see that.. can you try and go upvote like a really old post of mine and see if it does none of my post are upvoteing for me

/u/killswitch · N/A votes · 2nd July, 2018 - 10:41 · Link

I didn't catch exactly what HB is being accused of or has gone rogue On? Is this just another ad dispute between vendor and Dread staff?

/u/HumboldtGrowers · N/A votes · 2nd July, 2018 - 10:47 · Link

So it started last night when the post of the missing order was posted i looked into it, it showed the dev changed the account info, i do not have access only HB does. The users order is now not there and he showed me proof that he paid, txid ect.. Second thing my account is now disabled and i cant login right after the post i made about HB and there is now a new pound posted for 500$ obv to get alot of people to buy but i have stopped most people by posting everywhere i can. If u read the whole post you will get it. Also had 0 bitcoin deposits today witch means around 10-15 orders have already been taken but they will still be shipped and i have asked people to message me about there order txid and proof in the post above.

/u/Vendy_McVendface · N/A votes · 2nd July, 2018 - 11:08 · Link

Odd, why is my site still working if Hug Bunter is scamming vendor sites?

/u/HumboldtGrowers · N/A votes · 2nd July, 2018 - 11:19 · Link

I don't know maybe because i do as many orders in 1 day as you do in a week ? not bragging im just letting you know.

/u/Vendy_McVendface · N/A votes · 2nd July, 2018 - 11:23 · Link

Ratings over the last 30 days on Dream ME: 271 YOU: 190

/u/HumboldtGrowers · N/A votes · 2nd July, 2018 - 11:28 · Link

been on vayca for 2 weeks. bro im not here to arguing I push alot more work then you do brotha you sell ounces lol... im not here for this im here about hug

/u/Witchman05 · N/A votes · 2nd July, 2018 - 13:13 · Link

Stop spreading FUD, mate, I'm sure there's a simple reason. No need to freak out.

/u/Vendy_McVendface · N/A votes · 2nd July, 2018 - 11:04 · Link

http://vendyrulesucuhyw.onion/product/18539cb687e6d84f831c5054 http://growqilywesozegi.onion/product/c924b9296629a07e5d97bf40 Are you trying to tell me that /u/HugBunter is to blame for that $450/lb Blue Dream listing using a pic of MY weed?... I'm not buying it.

/u/HumboldtGrowers · N/A votes · 2nd July, 2018 - 11:09 · Link

if you don't get it right now vendy it is 100% ok my PR guy is getting on in the morning and will clarify everything im saying.

/u/Vendy_McVendface · N/A votes · 2nd July, 2018 - 11:12 · Link

Is your PR guy the one who creates listings on you site? If not, and its rather you who creates listings, you should be able to easily say whether or not you stole my pic and made that listing.

/u/HumboldtGrowers · N/A votes · 2nd July, 2018 - 11:16 · Link

Dude if you read the post i don't have access to the site he locked me out after i made my first expose post im not the one making the changes but don't worry danknation mods will verify this all in the morning.

/u/smackfuk · N/A votes · 2nd July, 2018 - 18:08 · Link

100% his pic. No denying that.

/u/Vendy_McVendface · N/A votes · 2nd July, 2018 - 20:53 · Link

Who did you share the login credentials with? I have a feeling that is who is responsible for all this.

/u/sex69man · N/A votes · 2nd July, 2018 - 18:08 · Link

ive been buyin off humboldt for 3 months if he wanted to beat me i woulda seen it comin earlier.

/u/SteadySupplies · N/A votes · 2nd July, 2018 - 10:57 · Link

Are you still doxing cutomers who out you for selective scamming though? Serious question.

/u/HumboldtGrowers · N/A votes · 2nd July, 2018 - 11:00 · Link

That made me giggle. -242 Score lol

/u/wucydohan · N/A votes · 5th July, 2018 - 01:22 · Link

Serious question why is there reports of fent being in your mdma & what's so hard about learning pgp?

/u/SteadySupplies · N/A votes · 2nd July, 2018 - 11:09 · Link

You're deflecting, Mr. Scammer.

/u/xanana · N/A votes · 4th July, 2018 - 09:06 · Link

your the scammer selling bunk drugs

/u/pk1rulez69 · N/A votes · 5th July, 2018 - 09:05 · Link

selling fentynyl laced drugs even worse than bunk

/u/HumboldtGrowers · N/A votes · 2nd July, 2018 - 11:11 · Link

lol. If i say "no i have not doxxed someone scene back on reddit" you would say "no your lieing" so I don't know what you want me to say here.

/u/SteadySupplies · N/A votes · 4th July, 2018 - 03:54 · Link

I would never communicate with such poor grammar, I assure you.

/u/xanana · N/A votes · 4th July, 2018 - 09:06 · Link

/u/SteadySupplies has such an incel vibe