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Looking for Fentanyl on DNM R.I.P Narco710

by /u/frintgo399 · 0 votes · 28th April, 2023 07:41

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Comments (2)
/u/Shakybeats · N/A votes · 28th April, 2023 - 19:36 · Link

We don't allow ads or sourcing for fent on Dread

/u/frintgo399 · N/A votes · 28th April, 2023 - 07:45 · Link


/u/b0b4f3ttyw4p · N/A votes · 28th April, 2023 - 16:43 · Link

Fent sourcing is not allowed on Dread

/u/ZillaKami138 · N/A votes · 28th April, 2023 - 18:23 · Link

But protonitazene, xylazine, and friends are halal. Go figure.

/u/formerly_stanmann · N/A votes · 29th April, 2023 - 08:21 · Link

You're right, what a crock of shit. I still want to know why instead of just increasing the amount of fent and decreasing the amount of cut is not the accepted and practiced way of releasing a stronger product to the streets when everyone's tolerances have gone sky high. I mean what happened fent was supposed to be so much cheaper and easier to smuggle. Now a perfectly acceptable product is being ruined because some asshole said hey let's try adding xylazine and oh remember those designer synthetic opioids from the 60s the "zenes" yeah they're strong lets add some of that too. That's real outside the box thinking! Fucking assholes! My neighborhood just a month ago was 5% fent 95% cut and this called "regular". It was made by taking the strongest available mix (10%/90%) ironically called "limpio"(meaning clean in English) and cut further but the math was easy. Now "regular" is no longer be sold apparently because profits are way way down and only "limpio" is being offered. However "limpio" is now 15-20% / 85-80% cut) with the boost coming from the addtion of one of the "zenes". And the price has tripled, yes,tripled. I snort, only snort, but since "zenes" are not water soluble, one single line of this crap and my nose is clogged up almost instantly like someone poured quick setting cement in it. My plug, God bless her, is only following orders, and despite several politely written notes translated via Google Translate and addressed to whom it may concern nothin has made it far enough up the chain of command. So I've bid my plug adios after two years and purchasing a total of around 15 pounds I'm no longer touching the stuff. You'd think contributing over $50K to the local underground economy actually meant something to someone but that's what you get for thinking. That's funny actually I'm a dumb ass thinking my business was valued and but not quite as dumb as those at the top who gave the OK on the release of this new garbage. It's at the point where going to rehab to literally take a vacation from the shit show the streets have become is sounding like an awesome idea. In my dreams I see warehouses South Of the Border packed to the rafters with tons of contaminated street fent and the latest superlab mix of what used to be crystal meth and mountains of cocaine so loaded with levamisole that simply a taste makes you throw up in disgust. And all this product is sitting and starting to rot because it's become unsalable. The cartel bosses standing around scratching their empty heads wondering what went wrong. And then stats come in: over 50% of all drug users got so fed up with garbage available got into long term treatment, 25% of all users died of course the remaining 25% split between prison and hundreds of reopened sanitariums chock full of the meth heads so deep into psychosis they can only be locked away. Suddenly the ghost of Pablo Escobar appears and looks around in disgust, shakes his head and calls them greedy stupid sons of whores, and waves goodbye after saying see you soon. Minutes later a half dozen C-130s fly over drop all the unused Vietnam era napalm on the warehouse complex and a month later when the complex finally stop burning a week of heavy rain washes away the ashes leaving nothing a disgusting stain on the earth that can be seen from space. Hundreds of miles away in a garden somewhere in the mountains of Sinaloa a newly sprouted poppy pokes its head out of the earth and the poor farmer smiles knowing a new day has begun for all. This has been an excerpt from my fictional upcoming NY Times Best Seller, working title is: How greed and stupidity caused Mexico to lose the war on drugs. Or in Spanish simply "Pinche Culero Puta Madres Narcos Chupa Mi Verga"

/u/ZillaKami138 · N/A votes · 30th April, 2023 - 11:00 · Link

I've never maid any claims to being a smart man, but I know enough not to fuck with anything called "limpio". I don't judge because I first really got into opioids was back around the summer of 2015, when I started ordering fentalogues from clearnet RC vendors. That was a boomin' time for those forums like ChemsRUS, ResearchRepublic, and some other, invite-only lairs. First orders came from Scandinavian vendors who sold nasal sprays comprising Furanyl-F. Butyrl-F, PFBF, etc. Then I got heavy into Fur-F powders. Had a large order come from Poland once, several grams each of Fur-F mixed with inositol for sniffing and Fur-F mixed with caffeine for smoking. It was to enough of a personal stash to keep me in a coma for months, sneaking off the the nearest bathroom to get my fix, then nod out for the duration of whatever I was responsible for doing that day. Etiz and RC benzo presses soon entered the mix. Plus regular, daily doses of 2-fma to get me through the day. I was working in a lab at that time and we sometimes "sacrificed" mice for experiments, so sterile syringes, needles of every gauge, and sterile water for injection were well stocked without anyone really accounting for any of the inventory. The lab was in academia, small at that time (1 post-doc; 2 grad students, and 2 undergrads), and everyone had their own projects to do, so oversight was minimal except for a lab meeting once early Thursday afternoons to share progress, data, etc. I had 24-hour access to the lab, and it was not unusual for me to go to the lab in the middle of the night. The lab was housed in a secluded corner of the sixth floor of a biomedical research building on the mixed academic/clinical, flagship campus of a large hospital system in an urban area. 24-hour ER, Level 1 trauma, so lifeflights in the middle of the night. Lots of commotion that allowed me lurk around unmonitored at night. So my inner junkie compels me to experiment with the needle and fentalogue a few times, all with proper, sterile rigs. It did not suit me, so I quickly traded synthetics for that divine ambrosia that gestates inside a poppy. It does the trick for me just fine these days.