
N/A subscribers


We are leaving Dread, last gift for the community, Win 7500 USD on /d/Council

by /u/[deleted] · 0 votes · 4th February, 2021 05:54


Comments (6)
/u/BM2L · N/A votes · 4th February, 2021 - 06:19 · Link


/u/c0wb0y · N/A votes · 4th February, 2021 - 07:09 · Link

People don't understand when they make a market that this part the dread part is very rigged in favor for there friends . If you go against the grain and try something outside of the bubble of what dread says then your going to find it harder to make it. people have to understand to separate personal / business. /u/hugbunter and /u/paris aka the vulcan are wonderful people on a personal level but in business they are animals and as crooked as they come . you can see it plain as day with the collab of WHM market stuff on there site thus they push WHM . Ethically this would be a conflict of interest, but no one runs on ethics around here . Now a days when you think about opening a market you should have an infrastructure behind it (links sites , news sites , etc etc ) to push your market. Not everyone is fortuna and get invictus plastered all over to scam there user base, then wag there finger at people trying to open a silkroad v79 because none of the people that started that market isnt behind it and in the same breath promote dark0de knowing none of those people that are behind it have zero connection to the old forum. See what i mean? the anwsers are alternatives anything push make an alt of it . they can stop your market from being listed but they cant stop you from building an infrastructure to combat there plain as day favoritism and cronyism. edit: last paragraph has been redacted .

/u/[deleted] · N/A votes · 4th February, 2021 - 21:18 · Link

/u/BM2L : Great post man, just 1 little thing... I dont like rats. Just today you sent us another message asking for a job.. again! I see you found another market after YBM. Lets see if you end up complaining about them as much as you did about YellowBrick.

/u/[deleted] · N/A votes · 4th February, 2021 - 12:21 · Link

Favouritism is in human blood, I don't mind /u/Paris favouritising any market or markets, “Privileged groups work for greater power consolidation through favoritism.”. We're actually fine with it and it's part of game. We're not an old market, relatively new and we've tasted heavy DDOS attacks, smear attacks and continuous back stabbing about our market from the aged forum alts of rival market admins. Still, we're able to achieve our goals, at this time with 100K total number of registered users and ability to offer highest sale for the vendors, we're happy with our hardwork, which has been started paying off. With this speed, we will get 1 million users in less than a year. Now, we're moving to our forum, avoiding all kind of conflict of interests, leaving this place for other markets. Also, we care about community, we've announced $7500 giveaways for the community. Lets talk how we're doing it. /u/roux, I love your Spanish story and in general you're a nice person. After sifted through your post history, I realised you're multi-talented person. World Market is giving you $500 for your participation in our contest, general contributions and helpful posts for the community. /u/JaquiTrollParisDonkey, We liked your spirit and patriotism for your country. We're giving $500 to you, for organising the contest and another $500, to distribute for the winners. Announce the winners who participated in the Spanish contest, ask them to contact us in modmail. /u/Pygmalion, Thanks for your contributions as well. We're offering you $500 upfront for judging our recent events and another $500 for organising a new event in your subs. /u/Boomshankar, Sorry for you loss. Covid19 has ruined lives of people and you're one another victim. Our condolences are with you. We understand this might have impacted your business. To recover from loss and we're offering $500 upfront with no strings attached, as well as one week sticky/featured listing on our market for you. /u/Greenpirate, We did not talk much but you're very good vendor/person. You've been there when Empire was smeared by everyone and now you've been here with us. You've been helping every market, which is rare. You don't speak negative about markets. For your gesture, we offer you $500 upfront as a gift with no strings attached and 10 days sticky. /u/newbieforever2018, You're a curious person and you read everything with patience. You're also the top Dread poster, giving you $500 upfront for yourself and another $500 to organise a contest for the community. /u/PickwickFactoryNL, One week sticky for you and an additional $500, where you'll organise a contest for the community, it could be any contest you like, you organise it and you choose the winners. We will be giving $500 to the winner/s. /d/Dread, we offer $2000, for organising a contest like your previous contest for the community. We offer to sponsor it. Additional, $500 for anyone writing a best story(be it fictional or real) about Alexandre Cazes. However, we reserve right to diving the price among two writers, $250 each. Word Market P.S: If any of the above, do not want to organise a contest or don't want donations, they can let us know, we'll find an alternative.

/u/boomshankar · N/A votes · 6th February, 2021 - 00:20 · Link

woow ....such a nice gesture!!!!! sometimes this business can be lonely as we must be careful all the time, but this warm gift as very nice, i thank your kindness and life must go on! the best of the vibes and please stay healthy!

/u/[deleted] · N/A votes · 6th February, 2021 - 11:32 · Link

You're welcome. Send your XMR address to Lovelace by encrypting with his PGP key.

/u/greenpirate · N/A votes · 6th February, 2021 - 02:52 · Link

/u/weednights not sure what to say when i read this , you give me an present which is awesome and i am very gratefull for it. while you helped me on the market and gave me a flying start . and yes there is big traffic . also the part that you leave dread i am a bit shocked .. i am a bit autistic and handle changes bad not sure what to atm i come back later to it.

/u/[deleted] · N/A votes · 6th February, 2021 - 11:34 · Link

You're welcome. Send your XMR address to Lovelace by encrypting with his PGP key. Do not worry, you can join our forum, there are few people good people on Darknet, one of them is you.

/u/HugBunter · N/A votes · 4th February, 2021 - 11:38 · Link

We do not push WHM firstly and I can't act on anything without proof otherwise we have, as we have seen in the past, market competitors framing other markets so they are penalized. I have always been neutral towards all markets, anything opinion based I would outline. So everything you have stated towards me is completely false and what you have presumed maybe based on other aspects. There hasn't been any favoritism. When WHM first launched I stated some opinions, again outlined clearly as such, that it was good to see a market that was pushing security concerns over profit, nothing more, nothing less. /u/mr_white has provided some great work and assisted everyone, that includes other markets, especially with contributions to End Game development. Fortuna is also banned from publishing any services as he has clearly intended to scam users. I need to clear that up shortly, but everything in my power was done to limit damage from that, but you, the user do not see what goes on behind the scenes. As for alternative services, I have always suggested this, there needs to be more decentralization of discussion platforms and I have always allowed free advertising for such services to distribute the user base across other options. I never intended for Dread to grow how it did and that is not on me. I am not here to gatekeep with markets, only provide some minimum requirements to try and reduce obvious scams and insecure platforms. Notice how there is no "market list" on Dread, because it is not intended to be solely based around markets and we don't stop any market from promoting their service. Recon on the other hand, allows any new market to implement the API to get their data listed.

/u/c0wb0y · N/A votes · 4th February, 2021 - 22:00 · Link

my experience and time in this game say complete otherwise. but its all good agree to disagree.

/u/[deleted] · N/A votes · 5th February, 2021 - 00:14 · Link

Seriously Godman ?

/u/c0wb0y · N/A votes · 5th February, 2021 - 00:33 · Link


/u/[deleted] · N/A votes · 5th February, 2021 - 00:53 · Link

Excuse me ? When did I attack ODL ? I just told him to fuck off a long time ago after they threatened us with "state of the art phishing pages", I tell people to fuck off all the time, that's not really an attack ? Refresh my memory please.

/u/samwhiskey · N/A votes · 4th February, 2021 - 07:53 · Link

good luck with it

/u/HugBunter · N/A votes · 4th February, 2021 - 11:40 · Link

Sad to see you go, I understand the reasoning. However, from my perspective there is nothing I can personally do to improve a markets experience here. Shilling, false accusations etc are a common tactic between markets to fight for their spot. Whilst I don't agree with it, there is no way to prove who is who to the point I can make decisions on it, unless there is overwhelming proof. Every market has had to deal with this no matter the platform and what I'd suggest rather is to avoid Dread yourself and hire PR to deal with these things. Many worry too much about FUD, rather than proving themselves.

/u/[deleted] · N/A votes · 4th February, 2021 - 12:42 · Link

Thanks for chiming in. I do have proofs for sure, which can unmask more interest conflicting issues, I do not want to bother with what other people are doing, specially how they're using Dread for their own vested interests. Let them do their thing, we need to avoid using Dread, some people are very jealous of us. We leave it, they could be happy. Thanks, again.

/u/ATOC · N/A votes · 4th February, 2021 - 12:28 · Link

Sorry to hear that :(

/u/[deleted] · N/A votes · 4th February, 2021 - 12:43 · Link

No problem, we will be active on our forum.

/u/ATOC · N/A votes · 4th February, 2021 - 20:39 · Link

Yep Good to hear and many years of WorldMarket from now !!!

/u/[deleted] · N/A votes · 4th February, 2021 - 21:19 · Link

Good afternoon. First and before saying anything. I send my condolences to /u/Boomshankar. It is the first news I have of the death of his father. Friend /u/Boomshankar,Talk later privately. Thanks very much to /d/worldmarket for the award. Forgive me for not writing a longer comment. But it doesn't seem appropriate to show joy when the father of a mate/friend has died. Greetings to all

/u/boomshankar · N/A votes · 6th February, 2021 - 00:17 · Link

thank you so much, has been the hardest most awful days of my life, your good vibes britght the life tho :D

/u/[deleted] · N/A votes · 6th February, 2021 - 11:35 · Link

You're welcome. Send your XMR address to Lovelace by encrypting with his PGP key. When you announce winners, ask them to do same and they can send it to our modmail.

/u/[deleted] · N/A votes · 6th February, 2021 - 00:26 · Link

You do not know how happy I am, sometimes we have to have a bad time, unfortunately over time we realize that this life is 4 bad moments and a good one. It does not compensate. But we have responsibilities and we have to move on because there are other people in your life who love you and at the same time that you love, and those people don't want to see you sad, they want to see you happy. So good face to bad weather. A hug friend

/u/[deleted] · N/A votes · 6th February, 2021 - 19:00 · Link

i ll do. Thanks again.

/u/IamLiveDarkNetCom · N/A votes · 5th February, 2021 - 19:31 · Link

I am 100% sure that its Dark0de who attacks you and shilling against you. He is attacking my proxy links non stop after I hacked his wallet and stole some money from him, if a market admin is attacking other darknet sites he will attack darknet markets as well. Hug should really ban Dark0de, their site is not even secure.