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Worlds greatest bong cleaning method (Works on glass or plastic)

by /u/Fwitme · 0 votes · 2022-08-15 03:39:00

Hello everyone
I've been using this method for 25yrs or so now and it gets any type of smoking apparatus clean as a whistle and like brand fucking new. Works on glass pipes as well.

What you'll need:
-Methylated spirits
-Course cooking salt (regular table will do as well)
-baking soda or powder

For bongs, plastic or glass, give the stem a clean first using an old pen or a skewer, get as much gunk out of there as possible, then rinse with water. Once your bong is emptied just pour a decent amount of salt into the bong (4-8tbsps), pour in maybe 100ml of method, cover the holes and give it a good shake. Most of the gunk will come off first go but if there's really old bong got in your piece it might take a few rinses. If your using a good old plastic bing you can even chuck the cone piece in during one of the rinses to get it back to brand new. After the last rinse of method and salt I rinse with water and give it a final flush with a lil baking soda and water to get rid of the method taste. Works a fucking treat and your glass wear will always be fresh to death.

If your cleaning small pipes, meth pipes, extra dirty stems or you want to clean cone pieces can chuck salt, metho and your pipe in a zip lock bag and apply the same method.

Enjoy everyone

Comments (2)
/u/weirdaf1 · N/A votes · 15th August, 2022 - 03:49 · Link

Wow thanks bud , my billy can get cleaned now XD, i usually just give it a service lmaoooo

/u/howgoodarescammers · N/A votes · 15th August, 2022 - 05:13 · Link

or better yet, go grab some orange power from Woolworths or coles. $4 a bottle. A little squeeze into your bong, swish it around and all that dirty resin drops off. youll have a spotless bong and itll actually smell pleasant rather than methylated spirits.

/u/Fwitme · N/A votes · 15th August, 2022 - 06:00 · Link

Honestly man, can't smell or taste the metho if u do it my way either. Did not know that orange power worked as well.

/u/cornilius · N/A votes · 15th August, 2022 - 09:05 · Link

Any NPS will work. Alcohol, orange power (d-limonene), shellite... even petrol. Just choose the cheapest, and always rinse with water after to get rid of anything dangerous. Salt or rice is always a good addition as when shaking, it'll dislodge any bits of resin stuck to the piece, without scratching the glass.

/u/Fwitme · N/A votes · 18th August, 2022 - 08:24 · Link

Thanks for clarifying mate. I've heard that rice worked also.