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Monopoly is officially screwed!!!! (Proof Inside)

by /u/Banana_Boat · 0 votes · 2020-07-15 12:38:00

Made you look! and the verb screwed is ambiguous so I didn't break any rules, except if you're reading this you are the reason traffic sucks when there's an accident.

/u/MonopolyOfficial I do have a request, no a god damn demand complete with a 2 year-old temper tantrum unless met. Flair! Can I have sub flair please? I want it to say Monopoly Shill, but if you have something better/ more professional i'll take it . Especially because I took some of PerfectShrooms capsules and they're kicking in in ways i"m not comfortable with, like making me question if I'm spelling words like kicking correctly, other wise highly entertaining stuff and it's all progressing from nothing to "Oh shit I better go to the store now" in case they get any stronger.

So to close Flair please and product reviews coming shortly, people really should check out Perfectshrooms. And I totally called it in my review on Sandman that he was going to be swamped, and oila, he's already got 40+ orders.

Comments (1)
/u/Banana_Boat · N/A votes · 15th July, 2020 - 16:49 · Link

Props to Perfectshrooms because that trip to the gas station had me worried, I've done incredible amounts of most psychedelics (just not mushrooms) and I'm not concerned at all about driving capacity/ ability to interact with others given certain dose ranges. 4 capsules of his stuff and I was worried for myself, that's impressive. At the gas station I decided to quickly pull back my cash and pay in a more COVID conscious style with my phone. I said this out loud, " I don't want to be rude and hold up your line (i turned around and the only person behind me was a cop, and the look I was getting was rude IMO so..) oh well he's just seeing if I'm fucked up or stealing so whatever." and I fumbled a bit till the digit payment worked. And left. That's not normal, if I was a brotha I'd be rappin at the officer holding up BLM fingers if they've invented them yet, but whiteys are still vulnerable and subject to the law. At least until This tan is at Rachel Dolzar's level and I can get some fake dreads and collagin injections I am a target. As are all whiteys that remain unallied after the latest BLM movement. Okay that's enough entropy aka random really weird shit for one comment. bucause the mainpoint is still about FLAIR /u/MonopolyOfficial I want it, and maybe you're seeing that I'm willing to go to lengths that confuse the shit out of AI engines to get something so petty.

/u/MonopolyOfficial · N/A votes · 16th July, 2020 - 00:44 · Link


/u/[deleted] · N/A votes · 16th July, 2020 - 03:21 · Link

Probably because of the bait and switch that he pulled with the title. FWIW it got a chuckle out of me and I upvoted it. Seems not everyone shares my sense of humor though.

/u/Banana_Boat · N/A votes · 18th July, 2020 - 05:26 · Link

It's the environment for cunts to thrive, the title is so dumb but every down vote means that some dumb cunt got all plump and moist to spend their precious time on earth getting off on conflict. And I think that's hilarious. Slinging out grumpy cunts does make me feel like, them I guess. I love it, hey since i'm obviously getting the original flair that drove me to make this silly thing, how about "The Anti-Cunt"? Oh shit I put that piece about BLM too. That's a high quality piece of racial role reversing, man even just those 3 words are good, white chicks would freak if said them out loud in the right way. The irony of offending white chicks and dudes that are pretty fem but yell at other whites because they're privileged or some horseshit. That is a huge rock of arrogance to hide behind and feel totally right, meanwhile most black people don't care, it's only Al Sharpton and he's such a fraud.But I'm immune to whatever happened that using the word racist is fucking magical, vast numbers of men turn into complete bitches. I can't do that, and I swear 90% of shit that gets labelled racist has nothing to do with superiority. I find that usually it's someone speaking in plain English, being honest; or bigotry. I made 3 grown men freak cuz I said that the southern slave owners who wanted war to keep slaves were democrats, and there was a black girl behind me, the bugged out and SSHHHHed at me. I turned and saw the poor girl but she didn't look phased, at all, yet I was stuck eating dinner with 3 fresh bitches. It's like the fentanyl of things that tiurn people into bitches.