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Monopoly Market, new Concept

by /u/hanfhenk · 0 votes · 2019-08-28 03:27:00

At first I thought again a market like all those others, nevertheless registered,
and said that I had already registered under my own name.
When I tried to sign up, I only found out that it doesn't work at all.
I was very interested in the entire explanation of how the market works,
so this is completely different when I'm used to.

This concept appeals to me enormously.
So I am waiting to see if I will receive an invitation to the market.
as long as you have to search for me on:

CANNAZON (active)
GENEZIZ (active)
TOR MARKET (active)
APPOLON (ative)

Greetings Hanf Henk

Comments (1)
/u/MonopolyOfficial · N/A votes · 28th August, 2019 - 05:26 · Link


/u/hanfhenk · N/A votes · 28th August, 2019 - 10:32 · Link

a phishing site i don't think so, but I also don't understand your answer correctly?

/u/GimmeSomeRoy · N/A votes · 28th August, 2019 - 11:00 · Link

for users accessing the market, there is never a prompt to 'register' so if you accessed any part to register or were prompted to make an account, it was not the genuine monopoly

/u/hanfhenk · N/A votes · 28th August, 2019 - 11:58 · Link

yes understand now! And that I had described it incorrectly. I had sent a message to the moderator to register as a seller and in this message I had written that I had already registered on the site with my user name. I wanted this afterwards going to do I had not looked well on the site, I did this only after I had already written the message to the moderator to become a vendor. And there i saw there is no register for users. i feel stupid Because I have already been registered in more than 30 markets, I assumed that this site was the same as all the others, that this website had a completely different set-up I saw later. but I like the approach and payment method of this website. it is fresh and new. Greetings Henk