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by /u/Hourglass · 0 votes · 2024-05-06 13:24:00

After only 7 comments, 5 years had passed since he last logged into dread. Now, our friend /u/Syntax has made a comeback:


Comments (3)
/u/warwick · N/A votes · 6th May, 2024 - 13:29 · Link

It's easy to get him to reply everyone just doesn't know how to speak to him /u/Syntax reply thanks

/u/Phobos36 · N/A votes · 6th May, 2024 - 13:45 · Link

/u/Syntax just wondering, were you a regular and a mod on Dan's chat for years? There was a mod by the name of Syntax and we got into a few fights but ended up being cool with each other after a while. If that's really you, i dunno if you remember user WollSmoth but that's me.

/u/BigBossChefOfArchetyp · N/A votes · 6th May, 2024 - 13:46 · Link

I know your alt /u/Syntax, comment below and I will tell you via DM how I found it out. Proof: Your alt commented within the last 2 days.

/u/Hourglass · N/A votes · 6th May, 2024 - 15:01 · Link

Tell me Boss.... Tell me what you know