
N/A subscribers


New to Monopoly!

by /u/frozenshards · 0 votes · 2020-07-03 06:05:00

I've been refusing to try any markets that were new or low on users, after the first couple markets popped up and then popped everyone for their coin I just didn't see the point in even looking into new markets. But man, am I disappointed with myself, after going through a lot of information about the market and seeing how well it was actually put together, and seeing staff actually involved in threads regarding Monopoly. I am impressed with how the Market forces people to take very basic opsec seriously. I bet statistically orders will be far more positive than most markets.

I'm eager to see how Monopoly ends up once it catches some more traction.

Comments (2)
/u/howardmarks · N/A votes · 3rd July, 2020 - 13:11 · Link

Vetting is tough and you cannot buy your way in with crypto Vendor quality high Good site for purchasing fast server and no login or registration to view items for sale

/u/frozenshards · N/A votes · 3rd July, 2020 - 15:11 · Link

They definitely went off their own way, which like I said is surprisingly nice, a lot of potential.

/u/TwattyMcTwatface · N/A votes · 3rd July, 2020 - 17:35 · Link

Yes! Although I do feel that, if their market were to get significantly larger (say, 3-5x as many users as now) the admins would run into some serious trouble running their market... After all, what stops one vendor from making ten fake orders, then claiming they never received them and getting the other vendor blocked? There's a lot of potential for abuse here as well, it's just that no one bothers yet because the market is so small.

/u/howardmarks · N/A votes · 3rd July, 2020 - 18:13 · Link

Monopoly admin is smart. 10 fake orders does not mean 10 refunds. It would be looked at in detail. Most vendors are on direct deal = 10 fake orders = not get your money bak

/u/malmobar · N/A votes · 7th July, 2020 - 11:46 · Link

smart? the guy is a fucking idiot. He deleted a post of mine which embarassed him. I would stay away from such pathetic people.

/u/TwattyMcTwatface · N/A votes · 7th July, 2020 - 19:09 · Link

I concede, he can be a bit temperamental too... Comes with the territory, I suppose. Maybe he should consider spending some more time chilling out irl rather than hawking over every piece of feedback his market gets. It's not good for your mental health.

/u/malmobar · N/A votes · 7th July, 2020 - 21:59 · Link

Agreed. Probably some gollum looking dude, wouldn't be surpised if he's a jew. Big on censorship, easily upset, greedy, etc.

/u/TwattyMcTwatface · N/A votes · 7th July, 2020 - 19:07 · Link

Yes, that is certainly true, the man does his job with due diligence! But if he were to get not 3 disputes per week but 300, the amount of due diligence that one person can practice is limited. That's the problem every market runs into once they reach a certain size.

/u/MonopolyOfficial · N/A votes · 3rd July, 2020 - 21:41 · Link


/u/TwattyMcTwatface · N/A votes · 7th July, 2020 - 19:16 · Link

Ahh, don't worry. Your market is the best out there for the time being. All markets have growing pains, and I'm simply unsure of how Monopoly will adapt once its time comes. But until then, we've still got some time. For now, you're doing a great job. You may want to consider spending a little less time on Dread, though. This forum can be very toxic, and I fear that being here too much, particularly when you're forced to defend a project you're proud of, can really weigh down on someone's mental health. Take a break every now and then. With love, Twatty

/u/MonopolyOfficial · N/A votes · 7th July, 2020 - 19:22 · Link


/u/TwattyMcTwatface · N/A votes · 7th July, 2020 - 19:32 · Link

Well, the passive aggressive tone was in response to your own passive aggressive tone in the comment I replied to, hence my suggestion for you to chill out a bit. Anyway, what I meant to refer to was that, while Monopoly currently offers fantastic, diligent and fast support, I can't see how it would continue to have this quality once the volume of disputes increases, as it will once some of the other large markets inevitably die off. Right now, places like Empire can still sort of guesstimate who's in the right and who's in the wrong based on amount and value of previous orders. It's frequently inaccurate, sure, but when you deal with a large volume of disputes you inevitably have to take shortcuts to ease the workload. However, Monopoly doesn't store these metrics, which makes taking shortcuts harder, which will ultimately introduce a higher workload for the support team to handle. And, honestly, even with these "shortcut" metrics, deciding who's in the right and who's in the wrong already often comes down to a lot of guesswork as-is. I wasn't trying to make some grand statement that I want to argue, I just wanted to lay out an observation.

/u/MonopolyOfficial · N/A votes · 7th July, 2020 - 19:51 · Link


/u/TwattyMcTwatface · N/A votes · 7th July, 2020 - 20:08 · Link

Your argument literally justifies a market that is reported to have shit support, but then calls us out for "not being able to keep up with support if we grow", so surely if that is the case we would be the same as say Empire? I'm not calling anyone out, and I don't claim that I have expert knowledge on the subject, never have. I'm just an internet rando who happens to hang out on Dread and thinks about these things. I agree with you that Monopoly is the objectively superior market. Indeed, I have stated it several times in this very thread, so I'm not entirely sure why you feel the need to defend yourself. Either way, I thank you for your in-depth response, even if it's a bit more aggressive than I'd hoped. WE HIRE MORE STAFF to handle the same level of due diligence This is the one point where I do have to give some more input. If it were this easy to hire high-quality staff, every market would do it, and support would always be perfect, which it never is once markets reach a certain size. It's a matter of logistics, and actually having some experience with customer service teams of all shapes and sizes, I can quite confidently tell you that good customer service personnel is very hard to come upon. As the operation increases in size, it's harder and harder to communicate as a team and teach new personnel on acceptable protocol. But, as I said, I'm just some internet stranger, and I'm not here to tell you how to run things. I never have. I simply voiced my concerns in an anonymous forum to an anonymous audience, which can hardly be called backseat management. I'm not telling you how to run your market, am I? I was mentioning problems that I personally believe could arise in the future to someone else who was curious about them. I was asking you the king of speculation to provide me with an example as to what point it is you're trying to make so I can clear it up but as per usual because I dont agree with what you're saying And I did, didn't I? I don't see what the issue here is. TwattyMcTwatface, and I am banking on you being partly involved in fueling the VendyMcVendFace drama months ago Please don't call me the king of speculation when you accuse me with this. I don't care about Vendy, I just took a liking to his name because it was memorable, and decided to mimick it on this account. It would be a lie to say that I don't enjoy being recognized on a forum like this, although it's something that has become considerably more difficult as Dread has grown, especially because I don't usually like sticking to one monicker for too long. Anyway, as you have identified quite correctly, I'm just rambling at this point. You seem to be under the impression that this is a confrontation, but it's not. I wouldn't even know what it'd be about. I'm glad I could get your insight on my thoughts about the future of Monopoly's support, but that's about it. Do take my feedback about taking a break every now and then to heart, though, because I genuinely think it'd do you good. But, of course, you know yourself better than I do, so whether you accept that feedback or not is entirely in your hands; as it should be.

/u/MonopolyOfficial · N/A votes · 7th July, 2020 - 20:18 · Link


/u/snowflake2 · N/A votes · 7th July, 2020 - 20:49 · Link

Hi Mr Bigman Monopoly I will reply on this thread as the other one you were crying on is locked. Your reply there says it all, you just are a condescending prick, who probably cant back most of it up and you cant see it, of course that's just because i made a few posts about a market script, therefor i must want to start one, but i'm not clever enough to keep up with you, fucking tool , go climb up to your ego height and jump to your IQ level you cunt

/u/JackOfWeed · N/A votes · 4th July, 2020 - 13:51 · Link

Nope. This guy is a complete dickhead: http://dreadytofatroptsdj6io7l3xptbet6onoyno2yv7jicoxknyazubrad.onion/post/85d9141786ab5a1ba0bb#c-7032e1faf47280397a Avoid like Covid