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Monero vs The State

by /u/budsbud420 · 0 votes · 25th January, 2021 09:02

With all that's going on in the world, tech like Monero is becoming increasingly important while state power becomes more centralized than we can imagine. As we move toward a fully digital world, anonymous cash transactions will become a thing of the past. All economic activity will be completly controlled and taxed from the top of the pyramid. Surveillance will be at an all-time high reaching 1984 Orwellian levels. The individual human's life will be monitored from birth to death with complete accuracy. The hive mind will be monitored and directed to benefit the ruling class. Privacy, especially in economic activity, will become obsolete. Those in charge will become unstoppable.

Monero is the Solution
Privacy by default = The poor man's swiss bank account

Centralized economic control in the hands of the few has deemed disastrous as expected, breeding levels of corruption the average man cannot even fathom. Printing money from nothing results in a debt based slave system. Those who print the currency become the slave masters. Monero cannot be printed from nothing. It's decentralized nature assures no one entity rules. All who use XMR become sovereign from any third party control. A direct solution to the central banking cartels that run this show.

Monero truly brings the power back to the people

XMR is not just a tool used to purchase your favorite products. It is the most important invention to free humanity from our parasitic controllers.

Comments (1)
/u/Paris · N/A votes · 25th January, 2021 - 09:32 · Link

REVOLUTION! or well that is what I would like to say but the simple fact is Monero isn't perfect. With enough exchanges reporting their transactions thus their decoys on the Monero blockchain it will hurt (and can eliminate) the total privacy Monero is designed to provide. Even though a network is at the core decentralized and private, it doesn't mean all parts of it are. Like many ways a government can fail; Monero can fail, not from a collapse of all it's parts but a poison in one.

/u/BigDaddy2K · N/A votes · 25th January, 2021 - 18:49 · Link

Well said but as we know the development is still going so monero might survive all these poisons.

/u/budsbud420 · N/A votes · 25th January, 2021 - 12:41 · Link

Well put Paris. A bit of healthy skepticism is necessary. A poison in one part of the Monero machine can unfortunately wreck the whole. As with everything else in life, there is room for improvement. We'll have to wait and see how things play out. Very happy to be alive in these exciting times witnessing something (possibly) groundbreaking take place!

/u/budsbud420 · N/A votes · 26th January, 2021 - 02:38 · Link

So far, developers and community have proven themselves