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Vendors for Dextroamphetamine?

by /u/needvyvanse346 · 0 votes · 2022-03-23 03:55:00

I'm looking for a supplier for Dextroamphetamine. Preferably 5 mg's or 10 mg's (both IR). I see /u/alwaysfire sells 30 mg IR on Versus, but I don't know if he's a reputable vendor.

Anyone know any reputable vendors?

Comments (3)
/u/unkn0wn_ · N/A votes · 23rd March, 2022 - 04:33 · Link

Like Vyanse? or Aderall ?

/u/needvyvanse346 · N/A votes · 23rd March, 2022 - 04:51 · Link

The main ingredient in Vyvanse is Dextroamphetamine. Adderal is 75% dex and 25% L-Amp (I don't know what that is). Ideally, I want 100% Dextroamphetamine.

/u/nolimits · N/A votes · 23rd March, 2022 - 21:15 · Link

I was prescribed dextroamphetamine once before, don't know if it was 100% dextroamp, but if I knew how to ship it I could get back on it and sell, but I'm not reputable enough on here to sell. I learned the other day that you can get a different type of Adderall depending on the pharmacy (someone I know switched pharmacies and got Adderall with just the amphetamine, no dextroamp), but I don't know your situation, but I hope that was of help.

/u/Dimension · N/A votes · 23rd March, 2022 - 17:39 · Link

vyvanse is lisdexamphetamine which internally converts into dextroamphetamine but slowly, this is why vyvanse has a longer half life and duration of effect

/u/unkn0wn_ · N/A votes · 24th March, 2022 - 05:19 · Link

Thats crazy. Im saying this because I am on Vyvanse now. I take it because I actually have ADHD and I get it prescribed from my Psychiatrist... Lol

/u/needvyvanse346 · N/A votes · 29th March, 2022 - 02:07 · Link

I'm not saying it doesn't work or anything. This is just what I read online.

/u/alwaysfire · N/A votes · 23rd March, 2022 - 05:08 · Link

@ /u/needvyvanse346 Without sounding too arrogant, I'm probably one of if not thee, best vendor on the dark net. Same day shipping, always the highest of quality (with Pharmaceuticals, ALWAYS LEGITIMATE PHARMACY GRADE!), and alwaysfire! I ship same day as well, respond to messages within an hour, and take the fuck care of my customers because there is nothing more valuable then loyalty. I provide nothing but satisfaction, this I can promise you! My stealth is superb also! And if you really want to know, I have only 5 star reviews on my vendor profile on Versus market. On dread, you read my profile and posts, you can see that I am clearly one of the most helpful and active vendors on dread. You can also look at my dread advertisement, and notice how clean and effective it is. It is nearly a perfect ad which sets the example for other vendors. It's formatted perfectly, and that effort reflects the same effort I have when vending. You can also checkout /d/techsupport, which is a new subdread that I am the sole moderator for. I did not create this subdread myself, but was instead was given the responsibility of moderator by /u/shakeybeats, and /u/HeadJanitor, because they vouched for my trustworthyness and credibility, as well as opsec/techsupport knowledge. /u/shakeybeats and /u/HeadJanitor are both well respected moderators on dread. So its highly likely I that I am indeed a honorable and reliable vendor, serving you nothing but that real shit when it comes to pharma, and the world class shit when it comes to shrooms and weed! Hope this helps and encourages you to stop on over to my shop! I will definitely be your favorite vendor my friend! Cheers! alwaysfire

/u/wetcalculator · N/A votes · 23rd March, 2022 - 22:57 · Link

I heard good things about /u/sportshack over on /d/Adderall. Though I believe they are 30mgs. you could always split them.

/u/needvyvanse346 · N/A votes · 29th March, 2022 - 02:02 · Link

I know you can't really split vyvanse pills because the XR feature is at least partially dependent on the physical properties of the pills, but can you safely split adderall/dex IR pills?