
N/A subscribers


Curious if anyone/mod can anwser this for me about dread membership

by /u/Onlyquality23 · 0 votes · 10th August, 2023 02:01


Comments (1)
/u/Shakybeats · N/A votes · 10th August, 2023 - 19:29 · Link

Not exactly. Part of the time we were down we took the time to try and fix Dreads backend designs. It was from the ground up, we completely took down Dreads entire cluster. We ended up running into more and more issues. Everything that could of went wrong during this time period, did. While work was being done on the cluster no one had access. Once the cluster was rebuilt, and the main server was online the main onion was not very stable due to the ddos attacks. Premium accounts had access to a private that gave them more stability. TLDR Part of the time yes they had more access.