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Looking for GBL (CAS 96-48-0) - US preferred

by /u/jo2305 · 0 votes · 2023-03-08 20:21:00

Hi, I am looking to buy 1 liter of GBL (gamma-Butyrolactone, CAS 96-48-0). It is a precursor to GHB. I am willing to pay $200 for domestic or $150 for international. Escrow preferred, too many scammers for this product. Please let me know if you have any sources. (I am also looking for GHB powder at $1/g domestic, but that's not a RC)
I am not interested in BDO.
Thank you.

EDIT: I would also like to note that there is a product called 'multi gel remover' (google it) that appears to be 99% GBL available on the clearnet. It is about 50 EUR per liter in bulk. However, I cannot find a source that will ship it to the US, only Europe. So if you're feeling like making some money, you could buy it from there and ship it to me and I will pay $150 per liter if it gets through customs.

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