
N/A subscribers


What dosing should fun gummies be? (calling all psychonauts and microdosers)

by /u/magiclampco · 0 votes · 23rd January, 2022 18:39


Comments (3)
/u/Paris · N/A votes · 23rd January, 2022 - 18:53 · Link

I would recommend you check out /d/Recon and /d/Kilos and search for the products you are wanting to offer from other vendors. Look at the scene and what people are buying. You will have a much better idea of what people will buy instead of the opinion of people who don't even know what proper dosing is.

/u/aintgot_thatsling · N/A votes · 23rd January, 2022 - 18:55 · Link

50 ug....a buck a tab....my opinion...sounds like you got it

/u/HumanPie · N/A votes · 23rd January, 2022 - 20:47 · Link

Violation of sub rules: 2. No advertisements or interest checks. Please see subs like /d/TheRabbitHole, /d/Psychonaut, and /d/Psychedelics.