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How can I be safe using carding sites when they're all clearnet and need JavaScript?

by /u/boogoojak · 0 votes · 2024-05-07 12:16:00

I'm guessing a VPN is a start but what else should I do?

Comments (3)
/u/waitwtf13 · N/A votes · 7th May, 2024 - 12:53 · Link

Learn a skill that is so in demand that when you do it, an unsuspecting employer will be FORCED to surrender large sums of money and transfer it to you whenever you do it. They'll have no choice! The best part is, you can do this directly from your home using the same devices you are currently using! And as an added bonus, the VPN will PROVIDED to YOU by the employer (Easy Mark)

/u/SatoshiNakamoto1312 · N/A votes · 7th May, 2024 - 12:55 · Link

you are safe jews control the world and jews are friends cops are enemies cops believe jews always lie but jews always speak the truth thats why cops believe lies of jews is truth truth is cops do not exist cops is a lie of jews lies do not exist thats why jews dont know cops exist you can't imagine reality, you can only imagine illusion but you can enter reality if you know the truth. jews are friends, cops do not exist. cops are zionists anarchists are jews acab rules the world

/u/MinusMacher · N/A votes · 7th May, 2024 - 14:09 · Link

Use open WiFi. You may even be better of not using TOR and just a close open WiFi to not get flagged, as you wanna blend in. JS is used to exposed your home IP.