
N/A subscribers


Inquiring about MDMA Synthesis

by /u/WiringDiagram · 0 votes · 2024-04-25 16:23:00

Hey lads and lasses,

I'm inquiring to find the best tutorial/pdf to synthesize MDMA on a large scale.

I'm looking for a method that would be closest to be created from scratch, this would be in Australia, meaning my ability to get
precursors would be hindered.
I've read parts of the new MAPS synthesis, and am looking to see if there's a better option for large scale synthesis without banned precursors.

Comments (1)
/u/BonesKoopa · N/A votes · 26th April, 2024 - 08:27 · Link

Breakingbad forums has actual academic and underground research and help. Hang out here and get poisoned by kids selling colored MDMA claiming it is silver or emerald or some shit color. Those are called impurities and signs that the cook doesn't know shit from diamonds. Stay safe, order from reputable vendors. And yes, if the price is too good, the product is crap. You get what you paid for. Usually cheap shit is for resell, so eye of the beholder comes to play here.