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Heroin/Opiates on Monopoly?

by /u/snackbundle · 0 votes · 2021-10-17 03:40:00

I may be retarded like Alex Jones but I can't find any listings for opiates on Monopoly. Is this by design or lack of vendors? Just curious.

Comments (3)
/u/MonopolyOfficial · N/A votes · 17th October, 2021 - 13:07 · Link

Heroin/Fent is no longer allowed to be sold, all other opiates can be found in the pharma category. Why? Because we had 1 Heroin vendor for almost 2 years, tomandjerry - when he was removed we had none, we had barely any Heroin customers so removing it made sense given the utter bullshit that comes with some vendors selling fent, we don't want any part of it.

/u/snackbundle · N/A votes · 19th October, 2021 - 17:20 · Link

Fair enough. I respect your decision. Thanks for the reply.

/u/poie1270 · N/A votes · 24th November, 2021 - 10:28 · Link

Yet another sign of a responsible admin

/u/DTFDealers · N/A votes · 17th October, 2021 - 16:19 · Link

I want to encourage legit oxycodone vendors especially those from Europe to come to Monopoly w/WHM closing. Clearly it is the pollution of fentanyl on the heroin supply chain that makes it impossible for them to allow heroin. Makes perfect sense, as always: *******DEATH TO FENTANYL DEALERS*******

/u/snackbundle · N/A votes · 19th October, 2021 - 17:26 · Link

Just because cartels are screwing people over with fent analogues doesn't stop there being addicts needing a fix. People are gonna buy shit regardless. But if they don't want it around, I understand.

/u/QuickieFlippie · N/A votes · 17th October, 2021 - 06:20 · Link

I dont think they do straight heroin but there are some pharma on there like tapentodal that has opiates in it as well as tramadol, mophine etc. Just check the pharma section