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Nightmare Market is potentially exiting

by /u/HugBunter · 0 votes · 2019-07-24 14:58:00

Sorry, I'm late to the party, started reading through everything last night and wanted to make a new thread as a lot of relevant comments will be buried in the mega thread.

Some things I want to know from both Vendors and Buyers:

Are your withdrawals still working right now? If so or if not, how much are you withdrawing roughly and when did you last do so?

Is your account locked out: NOT "Incorrect password", but literally suspended. If so, when did this occur and is it still ocurring?

What this seems like from my perspective is that they are exiting, but keeping people hooked in hoping for any issues to be resolved etc and their go-to as an explanation was that they were hacked. Some key things to remember is that they don't like bad PR, the admin cannot handle any bad PR and contacts me immediately every time there is a Nightmare complaint post on Dread.

I have not had contact from them for over a week now, which is really unusual and they have been completely quiet on the subject and nothing has been resolved, they 100% would have taken some sort of action at minimum.

The other explanation would be that they were in fact hacked and are now exiting because they will feel they have no other choice. It still wouldn't surprise me considering the sheer amount of extreme vulnerabilities I reported to them a while ago, couldn't do much about them as the market was already somewhat established by that point and I ensured they fixed what I had reported.

In any case, avoid the market completely right now and withdraw whatever you can if possible. I didn't make this post earlier to analyse the situation as I realize anything I say as an official statement under Dread would be damaging for them, if incorrect and there were already plenty of posts outlining the issues.

As always, I am scraping their vendor data for my archives and would hope others are doing the same.

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