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Humboldtgrowers-Compromised or Incompetent?

by /u/HeadsUp · 0 votes · 11th September, 2018 10:00

Holy shit stop by his dream profile now-he’s got his private key posted to his profile. I’m at a complete loss for words honestly. He has 72 fucking hundred transactions completed and this is just a total noob mistake. I’d love to hear everyone’s thoughts on this and particularly HG’s himself.

Edit: Removed any FUD and left only the facts. Personally I have not and never will fuck with this vendor after this serious of an opsec breach, but you do you. A few points to consider:

1. The private key does have a passphrase.

2. Private key was generated using a web based service.

3. No one has proved/disproved that this private key is even paired with the public key he has been using to vend.

4. HG previously doxxed a customer on the clearnet. This is a completely separate issue but I feel it warrants mentioning just to establish a clear pattern of disregard for opsec.

***Update*** Well no response at all from u/humboldtgrowers or u/humboldtgrowerscs so I don’t really know where this post goes from here. Private key was posted to his profile for around 24 hours. Now he has a pub key listed. Also with
“Version: OpenPGP v2.0.8
Comment: https://sela.io/pgp/“
Seems like he’s just going to not address the situation and continue doing what he does.

Comments (6)
/u/XMRlly · N/A votes · 11th September, 2018 - 20:55 · Link

Let's not forget the idiot mod who flared this idiot vendor in the first place regardless of community outrage and a long history of fucking up. And let's not forget the mods that remain were put in place in part by that idiot. This whole community could be a lot safer if human nature to take the easy money wasn't a thing, but unfortunately it very much is and it's why HG was promoted on Dread and in this sub. As always, watch you back because no one else is.

/u/calibros · N/A votes · 26th September, 2018 - 17:45 · Link

HG has a "verified vendor" flair, not "trusted vendor". verified vendor means he is currently in business, and not scamming people, so I dont know why your calling me an idiot?

/u/XMRlly · N/A votes · 27th September, 2018 - 08:10 · Link

I never said a work about verified or trusted, which has only ever been an irrelevant distinction no one but crooked mods here have used. I also wasn't referring to you because u/calibros didn't mod HG DrK took full credit for ignoring the wishes of the vast majority here and doing what lined his pockets. Less you're him, and since it took you two weeks to reply and you seem lost in Xanax land I wouldn't be shocked one bit if all the same faces were behind all the same scams around here. As always, watch you back because no one else is. The mods sure as hell aren't on anyone's side around here. Never have been never will be. Fact he's still on the list is pathetic. Get your last assess to work for the people for once.

/u/calibros · N/A votes · 27th September, 2018 - 15:54 · Link

im confused why ur bitching....HG is a vendor, he does'nt scam, if he does weird shit then i dont order from him..

/u/XMRlly · N/A votes · 29th September, 2018 - 19:10 · Link

You also don't give a fuck about this community, same as every other mod here past and present. This entire post is because HG does really weird shit you idiot. DUH! Lay off the pills moron.

/u/calibros · N/A votes · 29th September, 2018 - 20:13 · Link

rofl! you got me, cause you contribue so much!

/u/danknation · N/A votes · 21st September, 2018 - 00:06 · Link

Both. I banned him the very first time on reddit. He literally doxxed the guy in multiple screenshots and tried to justify it to me. He is a young kid who clearly doesn't give a shit, trade with caution.

/u/calibros · N/A votes · 27th September, 2018 - 15:58 · Link


/u/calibros · N/A votes · 11th September, 2018 - 15:58 · Link

daily HG FUD, or conspiracy? it's always something new with HG so let's see what it is this week.

/u/CC4321 · N/A votes · 11th September, 2018 - 16:02 · Link

Nope, just ANOTHER major fuck up by the vendor.

/u/HeadsUp · N/A votes · 11th September, 2018 - 16:21 · Link

Good to see some skepticism BUT private key is still posted on his dream profile. Feel free to verify. The only thing that remains in question is whether the private key is paired with his public vendor key or not. I can fortunately say I’ve never interacted with him before so I don’t have his public key. I hope for his customers sake that it’s just a humorous reckless mistake and not a major opsec breach.

/u/couplingalteration · N/A votes · 12th September, 2018 - 01:49 · Link

why you didn't check before talk? this attitude from a mod, just no bueno

/u/calibros · N/A votes · 11th September, 2018 - 16:04 · Link

we shall see....

/u/CC4321 · N/A votes · 11th September, 2018 - 16:06 · Link

Confirmed by Hug, fwiw.

/u/calibros · N/A votes · 11th September, 2018 - 16:32 · Link

edit: where is link Hug confirmed? /u/Hugbunter can you confirm of this please?

/u/HugBunter · N/A votes · 11th September, 2018 - 17:19 · Link

Yes, I can't confirm it was the private key to match his public key (ie not the key he uses currently), however his Dream profile is/was listing a private PGP key.

/u/420Dispensary · N/A votes · 11th September, 2018 - 22:52 · Link

Could be a decoy key still, ie, someone elses who tried fucking him so hes throwing it out there... but, sadly OpSec failures of this level do happen :(

/u/HugBunter · N/A votes · 11th September, 2018 - 22:54 · Link

Highly doubt he'd replace his public key on his profile, which means buyers can't get his actual key to securely message him now. It was definitely an unintentional fuck up

/u/calibros · N/A votes · 11th September, 2018 - 19:47 · Link

I have stickied this, keep us posted.

/u/HeadsUp · N/A votes · 12th September, 2018 - 16:42 · Link

What is likely to be the only update up now. Dude posted a pub key also with: “Version: OpenPGP v2.0.8 Comment: https://sela.io/pgp/“ prior to the key itself. No response on here or the market itself from Hg or his CS account. Seems kind of fucky to me, and apparently quite a few others. It is what is. In my opinion it’s just another reason, in a seemingly perpetually growing list, to consider looking looking elsewhere for ludicrously cheap outdoor flower.

/u/calibros · N/A votes · 12th September, 2018 - 18:10 · Link

thank you

/u/HumboldtGrowers · N/A votes · 22nd October, 2018 - 07:59 · Link

He messaged us 3 months after, we refunded people for 1 month after the event in a total of over 15,000$ refunded due to HugBunter Admittedly letting the server get compromised and if thats not enough ill have him confirm.

/u/MJA20WithA3 · N/A votes · 11th September, 2018 - 23:50 · Link

/u/HugBunter I recommend /u/clearlythebest (obv they gotta be interested) his cart reminded me there's good ones out there. My state needs to get medical/recreational! So many fake/counterfeit poison weed oil carts going around.

/u/clearlythebest · N/A votes · 12th September, 2018 - 16:12 · Link

Wait what are we nominating me for? I'd love to be nominated for something!

/u/MJA20WithA3 · N/A votes · 12th September, 2018 - 17:14 · Link

To replace HumboldtGrowers Ad spot on the front of Dread.

/u/MJA20WithA3 · N/A votes · 12th September, 2018 - 17:15 · Link


/u/clearlythebest · N/A votes · 12th September, 2018 - 19:25 · Link

Ahh yes, i contacted hug about this. If it was a free promotion I'd be all over it but I'm far too small a business to justify the expenditure right now.

/u/MJA20WithA3 · N/A votes · 12th September, 2018 - 20:34 · Link

Dang, fair maybe it'd be worth it.