
N/A subscribers


Dread Metadata Analysis

by /u/footsteps · 0 votes · 2023-12-30 00:44:00

Does anyone collect data about the types or categories of messages submitted on the site; or about user arrivals and behaviours?
It would be interesting to see some stats on how the site is used or not.

Comments (3)
/u/Paris · N/A votes · 1st January, 2024 - 17:55 · Link

For what I assume is obvious reasons, dread tries to collect as little information as possible about people. The tor network makes this easier. If you never sign in to dread then basically all activity you do looks like a massive amount of other people activity. It's only when you sign in that information is collected. Things like if you post something we record that. If you view a post that's recorded. If you comment or vote. Things that change the state on dread will be recorded as done by a specific user. Generally speaking, being that you shouldn't trust us, you should assume all requests when you are signed in is logged somewhere. Like if you view a PM we would know a user was signed in at a specific time and requested the PMs. We have a lot of anti-manipulation systems that take all that activity information and try to find patterns. That's our kind of fingerprinting we have here to keep the site functioning and our vote systems not getting over manipulated. Other than how many posts and comments are on dread we won't be publishing any statistics in user behaviors. I guess aside from that one time a vendor included tits on their banner ad and got a near 50% boost in the amount of clicks on it.

/u/footsteps · N/A votes · 1st January, 2024 - 19:17 · Link

"Does anyone collect data about the types or categories of messages submitted on the site"?

/u/CokePrisonFemboyy · N/A votes · 1st January, 2024 - 19:27 · Link

If god forbid dread is seized cant law enforcement look at the request timing of users and correlate them with real world tor users?

/u/Paris · N/A votes · 1st January, 2024 - 23:07 · Link

On the request side, Dread is a very active site. In my opinion it would be very difficult unless you have complete overview of all traffic on the tor network. Maybe if you already identified someone and you wanted to correlate their dread user with them too. Spying on them and correlating the time they are active on dread posting against them out in the world.

/u/CokePrisonFemboyy · N/A votes · 2nd January, 2024 - 12:12 · Link

Tor requires random delays and message padding with random data to be secure enough for my liking. Every user should be indistinguishable from one another period. Why this is not already done is beyond me.

/u/Paris · N/A votes · 2nd January, 2024 - 19:03 · Link

Because cookies are a thing. Requests to dread are private and if you don't sign in we won't be able to know which user is requesting stuff. But if you sign in we know that cookie is associated with that user. You can't have indistinguishable users when the users themselves identify themself.

/u/CokePrisonFemboyy · N/A votes · 6th January, 2024 - 17:17 · Link

What I meant is that if every request looked the same for every tor user, there would be no possibility to correlate traffic. Constant stream of 500kb/s, good luck correlating that. When I press post on dread it can be easily calculated how many bytes my post request was no as there is no variation in size other than the message? Thus I have been thinking of manually editing all post requests to contain bogus data in the form that the dread server will discard. Or add a constant stream of random data to the guard relay. Maybe dread could have a feature like that, a hidden field with a random amount of data. Perhaps I'm overthinking, I do it a lot.

/u/Paris · N/A votes · 6th January, 2024 - 20:42 · Link

Tor already has packet padding to counter correlation of traffic. I'm more talking about fingerprinting of users who are on the dread site itself.

/u/MartyMcFlyy · N/A votes · 1st January, 2024 - 22:00 · Link

Thats a terrible idea!!!

/u/footsteps · N/A votes · 2nd January, 2024 - 01:11 · Link

Obviously you can see all the posts, and many of them are the same type of thing, often by bottles. All i am really talking about is looking at the content and generating a map of what is different flavours of shit, and what is different categories of useful. It seems like my post has been misinterpreted or misunderstood.

/u/MeanGarfield · N/A votes · 2nd January, 2024 - 23:05 · Link

I think you'll find that any types of maps, flavours, categories, and all that have already been made. Check out the sub for any subject and you'll find things to point you in the right direction. It sounds like you are looking for data on a surface level, such as how many people are buying products. The nature of Dread and black markets make even this very difficult. I would start by categorizing each drug available, then see how many vendors are selling it on each market, and then research how many orders have been placed for each product. This will take a great deal of time but could be interesting. Good luck!

/u/footsteps · N/A votes · 3rd January, 2024 - 02:59 · Link

No, you misunderstand. I don't mean subs, i mean actual posts within and across subs. E.g.: how many bottles post requests for hacking services, or soliciting for chimps to do scam x, or asking "rate my opsec". I suppose what my train of thought leads to is content tagging like you see in clearnet spaces like twatter and fb. I am not interested in drugs. I am interested in information, and other things that are outside the scope of this site.

/u/MeanGarfield · N/A votes · 18th January, 2024 - 01:14 · Link

I know you are interested in information, like I said it's all here just dive into the subs and read up.

/u/footsteps · N/A votes · 18th January, 2024 - 01:21 · Link

Never mind. It's probably being scraped for AI.

/u/MeanGarfield · N/A votes · 18th January, 2024 - 02:14 · Link

Being scraped for AI? Do you mean being scraped "by" AI, as in AI is actively gathering information? There isn't much here that a researcher could gather, too much static and misinformation. Any researcher worth their salt would get statistics and collect intel elsewhere.

/u/footsteps · N/A votes · 18th January, 2024 - 13:53 · Link

No, "scraping" for AI... i.e.: collecting all the comments and posts and pumping them into a model to find patterns of "speech" and from there to generate similar types of posts. I don't know what kind of AI you think would be scraping here. I don't know what you understand about AI or intel; you are after all, just a bottle.