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Exodus in Tails

by /u/deadx · 0 votes · 2021-04-23 19:19:00

I am trying to have an Ethereum wallet installed in Tails, I don't care if it is Exodus or not, but I haven't had luck in installing it in Tails.
The help page for Linux installation doesn't match with what I am getting, my installation files are being opened like txt.

Pls explain for a linux illiterate

Comments (1)
/u/Zian · N/A votes · 23rd April, 2021 - 20:39 · Link

Did you make the file exectuable? If not open up temrinal and type cd /home/amnesia/file-location chmod +x file-you-want-to-make-executable ./file-you-want-to-make-exectuable Fist command is used to change directory, second will make your file executable and third will run the file.