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Craigman or US Valium

by /u/crazyinside · 0 votes · 2022-03-20 17:13:00

I’ve been using craigman for years following him from market to market to get my Valium. My last order was on White House which seems to have shut down.

Does anyone know where he went? Or have another reliable source for 10mg valium in the US

Comments (4)
/u/morlvob · N/A votes · 20th March, 2022 - 18:40 · Link

haven't been able to find him either. i used jonblue20199 recently and he's solid

/u/crazyinside · N/A votes · 20th March, 2022 - 23:05 · Link

Which market?

/u/morlvob · N/A votes · 21st March, 2022 - 14:03 · Link

he's on versus, i tried both the martin dow valium and then the rivotril klonopin from him and all is good

/u/Rahdadread · N/A votes · 25th March, 2022 - 22:03 · Link

Ya donno where craigman went. He seems to have disappeared around the time covid shit hit the fan. He was a great vendor - a little slow sometimes, but always came through. Now it seems there are very few vendors selling diazepam US-US, and if they are, it is outlandlishly priced. Like, $5-$8 for 1X 10mg. Fuck that noise.

/u/belowcity · N/A votes · 1st April, 2022 - 18:00 · Link

Not true my friend. Just looking in the wrong places.

/u/belowcity · N/A votes · 1st April, 2022 - 17:58 · Link

Neither, go with /u/strangelife You won't be dissapointed. Has everything and more.

/u/zqxwce · N/A votes · 2nd July, 2022 - 08:21 · Link

Craigman is available through email, i just got a big pack of pins.