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persistance passphrase changed after restart

by /u/huryyy · 0 votes · 2020-10-28 02:22:00

today i added some bitcoins to my electrum wallter, after that i changed to xmr using morphtoken.com without js with morphscript. The transaction was completed but after 2 hours my xmr didn't appeared on my monero wallet so i decided to restart tails. When i entered my passphrase to unlock persistance, i don't how it's incorrectly. I didn't changed my passphrase or something and i have the passphrase noted. Is there any chance to recover my persistance volume or my xmr? Or maybe i get hacked?

Comments (1)
/u/[deleted] · N/A votes · 28th October, 2020 - 05:58 · Link

If the password really changed (or if the persistent storage for whatever reason got damaged) then you should send them a WhisperBack report. Their helpdesk might be able to help.

/u/huryyy · N/A votes · 28th October, 2020 - 15:00 · Link

Now I sent a WhisperBack report to them. Thank you very much and I hope it can be solved.