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You OPSEC fanboys go an extra mile to achieve "good" OPSEC without understanding what you're doing [Please READ before downvoting/deleting]

by /u/Zunero · 0 votes · 2024-04-18 23:02:00

Good OPSEC can be described in three sentences (depending on what resources you have)

1. A laptop (any laptop) with TailsOS on a USB
2. A laptop with any FOSS linux distro (Ubuntu, Parrot, Gentoo, OpenBDSM WHATEVER)
3. A laptop with QubesOS OR Whonix

(I don't even know what sort of NASA specs you have to run QubesOS + Whonix)

And of course there are other additional things you can do....

1. KeePassXC for password generating & saving
2. A VPN from IVPN or MullVad
3. Keep all important communication encrypted

I've seen people invent their own dialect in the names of OPSEC... like hello that's PGP!
I've seen people in invent their own VPN?? Which is arguably worse because you're trusting a random server host....
I've seen people use all sorts of encryption but then publicly reveal so much about themselves on forums

There's probably more examples of people doing extreme stuff for OPSEC and I don't understand why.

OPSEC isn't something to decorate, it's something to simply configure and go with it. Most of you guys have no need to be running QubesOS with Whonix or whatever OPSEC acrobatics you guys are doing lately... Take it from a three year vendor on the highly unfavoured platform (/post/294363db91162ebc7a2f/) who's OPSEC is simply Gentoo with MullVad. (and well OBSF4 as bridge but whatever). I use Email with PGP as my main form of communication, I use XMPP with OTR as my secondary form of communication.

Being a perfectionist or performing acrobatics with your OPSEC is what kills it. Keeping it simple but good is more than enough to get through the day and still be at peace of mind.

Imagine spending 30+ minutes on your OPSEC but you forgot to configure one small thing and you are leaking everywhere...
While there's someone who spends 3+ minutes on OPSEC and is the tightest ever...

Hardly any of you OPSEC fanboys are prominent enough to have complicated OPSEC. Most of you are either hard on drugs or just newbie lurkers.

TLDR: A corny acronym called "KISS" (Keep It Simple, Stupid)

Comments (9)
/u/DoingFedTime · N/A votes · 19th April, 2024 - 13:18 · Link

/u/Zunero, I've noticed some areas in your discussion about OPSEC that could benefit from further clarification and additional technical details. Here's a reformatting of your points for better readability and emphasis: Starting with your assertion that: any laptop can handle security-focused operating systems like QubesOS, this needs correction. QubesOS actually requires VT-x or AMD-V for hardware-assisted virtualization⚠️, plus a minimum of 4 GB RAM, though 16 GB is recommended. Many older laptops or lower-performance devices simply cannot meet these demands, which may lead to failures or errors that could ultimately compromise your security. It's critical to acknowledge that OPSEC is not just a set-it-and-forget-it situation. OPSEC is a continuous, proactive process that demands regular updates and adjustments. Tools like OBSF4 and Tor are excellent for maintaining online anonymity and security but require consistent updates to remain effective against evolving surveillance methods and censorship tactics. You overlooked crucial aspects like situational awareness, secure disposal of sensitive information, maintaining a secure work environment (both physical and electronic), visitor control and monitoring, and device and data protection. According to your post, you suggested that OPSEC can be summed up in three sentences , which is not accurate. Discussing VPNs, while recommending KeePassXC and VPNs like IVPN or MullVad is valid, overlooking custom VPN solutions misses an opportunity for tighter security control. Commercial VPNs may have hidden vulnerabilities and might comply with governmental requests or be under surveillance. A custom VPN, if properly set up, provides more control over data handling and security practices, which is crucial for effective OPSEC. Your comment on the community being either hard on drugs or just newbie lurkers simplifies the range of skills and needs within the community. Effective OPSEC must consider different levels of risk exposure and technical capabilities, which you failed to address. Lastly, the example you provided about spending a lot of time on OPSEC only to fail due to a minor oversight highlights the importance of meticulous configuration and regular reviews. Every part of your security setup, from firewall rules to encryption settings, needs careful configuration and regular oversight to prevent leaks and breaches. For more insights into managing OPSEC complexities effectively, the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST)⚠️ offers detailed guidelines on best practices and methodologies. Definition of OPSEC Operational Security (OPSEC) is a process used to identify critical information and analyze threats from adversaries. It aims to prevent the leakage of sensitive information that could be exploited by opponents. OPSEC helps protect operations by managing and mitigating risks to your information. Simple Walkthrough of the OPSEC Process OPSEC involves several key steps to ensure information security. Here’s a breakdown of each step: Identify Critical Information: Determine what information, if obtained by adversaries, could significantly impact your operations. Analyze the Threat: Identify who poses a threat to your information, understanding their capabilities, intentions, and methods. Analyze Vulnerabilities: Look at how your critical information is protected and where the weaknesses are. Assess Risks: Evaluate the risks associated with potential vulnerabilities and the likelihood of adversaries exploiting them. Apply Countermeasures: Implement strategies and controls to reduce risks and protect critical information. These steps are iterative and should be continually revisited to adapt to new threats and changes in the environment. OPSEC is vital for anyone looking to secure their operations from potential threats and vulnerabilities.

/u/Zunero · N/A votes · 20th April, 2024 - 14:11 · Link

Holy fucking shit, if I was to write in such detail I may as-well just copy and paste the QubesOS documentations. You don't know how much I hate your content and your whole account, I detest everything about you. You aren't wise or intelligent, you got ARRESTED for being A DROPSHIPPING VENDOR! You brag on about saying you've founded Dread when in reality you simply were a moderator for Dread for a very short time. You talk nonsense, you're like the DarkNet version of Jordan Peterson where you talk endlessly but your points can be summarized into a few words. Like seriously, you're acting like I don't know this shit. What's next? You re-write the constitutional rights? I am not taking advice from a DarkNet Jordan Peterson bitch ass DROPSHIPPING vendor who got ARRESTED and now brags on the Internet like a whore saying how they've the founder of Dread when they weren't. Your DEFCON was nothing but ego being disgustingly splattered. You're not /u/HeadJanitor and you will never be like him. You are a rip-off. How the fuck does a dropshipper get arrested??? It's laughable, honestly. Not to mention your comment is written by AI and you just slightly modified it. - https://dump.li/image/get/c1c3c6faac9d9299.png You are going to be my next post.

/u/[deleted] · N/A votes · 20th April, 2024 - 15:26 · Link


/u/[deleted] · N/A votes · 20th April, 2024 - 15:29 · Link


/u/DoingFedTime · N/A votes · 20th April, 2024 - 22:33 · Link

Thanks for proving my point about you not knowing basic OPSEC. Instead of addressing what I say you throw a tantrum. Also, thanks for the free PR. Like and subscribe bitch.

/u/snorkelstone · N/A votes · 18th April, 2024 - 23:43 · Link


/u/zuberdriver · N/A votes · 19th April, 2024 - 01:05 · Link

You make a good point, many seem to aim blindly for the perfect opsec in isolation without any consideration whatsoever of the outside environment.

/u/Zunero · N/A votes · 20th April, 2024 - 14:24 · Link


/u/dadie124 · N/A votes · 19th April, 2024 - 03:48 · Link

personally i don't use vpns just because of the content blocks that they can cause, i'd rather proxy chain because that solves a lot of content block issues but yea if u gonna use any vpn use mullvad paid with xmr.

/u/Zunero · N/A votes · 20th April, 2024 - 14:15 · Link

Fair, proxy chains are good actually.

/u/bobby_bunsss · N/A votes · 19th April, 2024 - 05:34 · Link


/u/astralfox · N/A votes · 19th April, 2024 - 13:50 · Link

I know that with PGP you can use any email provider you want but just out of curiosity since you are a vendor, which email provider do you use or prefer?

/u/Zunero · N/A votes · 20th April, 2024 - 14:25 · Link

I've used ProtonMail & OnionMail and I wanted to start using cock.li but they made registration invite-only. I recommend OnionMail though

/u/eos · N/A votes · 20th April, 2024 - 15:31 · Link

cock.li registration has been public for a decent amount of time now. from their website: Cock.li is back open for public registration! New accounts receive mail instantly, but are blocked from sending mail until you allow you browser to complete a proof-of-work challenge that only takes a few minutes.

/u/Zunero · N/A votes · 20th April, 2024 - 15:32 · Link

Oh what the fuck, thank you I did not know this!

/u/eos · N/A votes · 20th April, 2024 - 15:37 · Link

no problem :)

/u/DoingFedTime · N/A votes · 20th April, 2024 - 22:58 · Link

They could fill many many books with things you don't know.

/u/Zunero · N/A votes · 20th April, 2024 - 23:01 · Link

Hahahahaha there are already many books written by you trying to explain one singular point

/u/DoingFedTime · N/A votes · 20th April, 2024 - 23:31 · Link

Hahahahaha there are already many books written by you trying to explain one singular point Really? I only wrote 1 book, not "books". 😜

/u/Zunero · N/A votes · 20th April, 2024 - 23:33 · Link

Fuck offfffff, get that Shakespeare book some sales ****** When I said books I did not mean the book YOU WROTE, I was over-exaggerated about your comments being so long that they were book-long

/u/DoingFedTime · N/A votes · 20th April, 2024 - 23:53 · Link

There is the logic I was looking for. :)

/u/[deleted] · N/A votes · 20th April, 2024 - 15:37 · Link


/u/asfaleia · N/A votes · 21st April, 2024 - 06:43 · Link

This is not an OpSec, just some weird endpoint security hallucination mate ;)

/u/astralfox · N/A votes · 19th April, 2024 - 13:38 · Link

-----BEGIN PGP MESSAGE----- hQIMA7tJUgDLA9LYAQ//XFMlJvT71Qr+E/ikB6ir5Vcrm8B1YgmKQ4UfbtOJte1p +tCbVPgIgWnrrXjYonGFZZa1MRW/o07jArCwv+h4ULSbLJDK2+OxDsoULRiy+7/f c4f7ZEU2d1gA2JayqEl/jXmQ0dvNgqEVeG4ZUs+7hyGIKSZIMiP902FER+zYHCJM ZLG2GG1UI4Os0TOjsgrdY+vXwpwfdU1K+BU+Wp6bGgE3uHz+UChxILHmjhuJLy83 PdBVZCLz9ftusPMjHAA8SG234jx3OdqE4LLBaS9FnBKRBHMr0zYjs0ekHuOPjL1V TiiDhhKEA3GT+B32Kjrclgr4ctDAsypxuJTuvWKy9e3k0NzOFxbkCwBjIF2832z5 xIzY/I6k+Eiurl0A+GcUYzqJr6yEIb6kOAtvnUuIs75jaG7ruZWJvlJLC8Tk5ueB TOznFcdProZ8lTt4N2N+T7pSVCq845CyKKBvv7CnpuMn9xZKTIm0cMj3fZjL3RLz L9Ibg7JmpORhCv8iaA+cUOccQZCNouqn75iYzQfDOeHYn0BQUBBaBRNhJhvd2DBM xYHgOnObzeq6T3hLKNn+bMsK0kqlcvHUemvM/d1Td0L78xcY9QZnpTSkesR2X+DI yP+cuQ+gb+DOG0tDyZwwiHyFm0BQiSy2Fe7YLM5gIwuEEiB/GJ2qolzOdOXRjEXS UQFQELlFfQZNhdDYoKa/ZUKH26EIip79am19YOAaExbWgcWUl+fVvEV6rKUDpNiC P1clYkIZJepdAavwESkZ+rtuWXfxVcCBd7Nvgv6+k7tbtQ== =qYST -----END PGP MESSAGE----- :)

/u/Zunero · N/A votes · 20th April, 2024 - 14:17 · Link

Who are you PGP messaging? I don't have a PGP

/u/DoingFedTime · N/A votes · 20th April, 2024 - 23:34 · Link

I can make a youtube video showing you how to set it up if you like. It's hard being new. 😊

/u/Zunero · N/A votes · 20th April, 2024 - 23:36 · Link

Aweeeee yessss pleaseeeee!!!!!!!!!! I would love to spend an hour of my day to watch that

/u/oldfagdelux · N/A votes · 19th April, 2024 - 15:45 · Link

30 minutes...? That's your idea of an "opsec fanboy"? Please show some respect. Some of us live and breathe opsec 24fucking7. I've seen people in invent their own VPN?? Which is arguably worse because you're trusting a random server host.... You're trusting a random server host regardless. You think Mullvad is any better? They have a public presence = they can be forced to act against their will at any time = nothing they say can be trusted. Don't be naive. I mean, don't get me wrong, they're still top tier as far as VPNs go, but they're still a random company you have no real control over. True opsec fanboys have evolved beyond needing to make such choices. Hardly any of you OPSEC fanboys are prominent enough to have complicated OPSEC. Most of you are either hard on drugs or just newbie lurkers. Prominent? Pfft. I smoke cheap darknet weed and don't even share any of it. I'm a bottom of the barrel target. Granted I "got into" opsec because of drugs and I may never have otherwise ran into the term, but it has since evolved into my life passion. I have suppressed myself for decades in fear of ending up on some watchlist somewhere. The opsec community has given me the knowledge and tools required so that I don't have to suppress myself ever again. I'll say what the fuck I want to say without fear of physical repercussions. THE GOVERNMENTS ARE WRONG AND THE TERRORISTS ARE RIGHT!!!!! Just look at what happened to Alex Jones - hundreds of thousands in fines for something he said. Not something he did, something he said. Those who want free speech must bring their own protections, because society no longer offers any. I'm covered in so many layers of opsec that even God himself will be hard pressed to find me.

/u/Zunero · N/A votes · 20th April, 2024 - 14:23 · Link

"30 minutes...? That's your idea of an "opsec fanboy"? Please show some respect. Some of us live and breathe opsec 24fucking7." 30 minutes of setup lmfao Check MullVad documentation and you will see how your argument is kind of wrong. I mean fair honestly, If you just come across this term and you're applying OPSEC just to enhance your experience, go ahead. If you are an activist you can also apply OPSEC. I never said no to those points. I am talking about the people who got into OPSEC because of one small reason or the other and now they are making it their whole personality, while having no actual concern to validate it. This comment last paragraph- /post/f402e8d0a86ac6f96a45/#c-da0916d3110ac49074

/u/DoingFedTime · N/A votes · 20th April, 2024 - 23:52 · Link

You didn't even know what OPSEC was until I explained it, which got pinned as the top comment. Hahahah

/u/Zunero · N/A votes · 20th April, 2024 - 23:54 · Link

Now who the fuck pinned that post...... mhmmmm is it that sycophant newbie

/u/DoingFedTime · N/A votes · 20th April, 2024 - 23:59 · Link

You mean the pinned post where I owned you for not knowing what OPSEC was? HAHAHAHHAHAH