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Alternatives to Dread Pending Approval

by /u/footsteps · 0 votes · 30th November, 2023 03:14

[pending approval]

Comments (1)
/u/Paris · N/A votes · 1st December, 2023 - 18:33 · Link

Outside our rule set? Our rules are very liberal and only really blocks things like weapons and child porn. What kind of interests are you looking to be catered for?

/u/footsteps · N/A votes · 5th December, 2023 - 15:57 · Link

Neither of those named ones. "Things like" is a bit evasive to speculate on.

/u/footsteps · N/A votes · 8th January, 2024 - 09:58 · Link

Can I adopt/d/conspiracy ?

/u/Paris · N/A votes · 5th December, 2023 - 18:52 · Link

Which is why I asked man. Our rules are reasonable. What is it that we limit which you want to speak about?

/u/footsteps · N/A votes · 6th December, 2023 - 18:22 · Link

Dread seems to be predominantly about petty drug dealing, petty fraud, and, a bit about technical aspects of IT. The "harm reduction policy" seems to be all about drugs and tech. One of the things I am interested in is... Well I will stop there, because I have had this conversation before. I don't think the rules preclude everything. Yes, I would probably remove a couple of them, but some of them actually serve a perhaps unintended benefit of protecting people from scams and things that can lead to serious consequences. However, some actually deny people information that could protect them. One of the things I am interested in might be considered silly, if assumed to be false; or dangerous, if assumed to be true. There is some information that might be considered to be promoting, encouraging, or even selling harm, but knowledge about it could also protect people... it's double sided. I think the dark web should be free and dark; certainly free-er and darker than the clearnet; and I think it should host information that could not be hosted on the clearnet (illegal is self-evidently not a reason to prohibit on here); but you seem to take a moral stance, which is your moral code, not everyone else's. The topic I want to speak about, is "conditioning", otherwise known as things like "brainwashing" or "influence". You can see how it bumps up against your notions of "misinformation" or "harm" etc... but perhaps that's a misunderstanding from not seeing any content avout it. You allow "social engineering" and "fraud"... I don't really get where you draw the line with corruption. On another note, i think the quality of the site would be improved by limiting new accounts and rewarded cursted accounts that add useful content by giving more access and visibility.

/u/footsteps · N/A votes · 6th December, 2023 - 18:28 · Link

Following on from "the pandemic", and the antics of some leftist/statust governments and institutions, and with 2024 just round the corner, the political-economic implications of "conditioning" or "influence", through things like "mass formation hypnosis" seem quite apposite. To me, the domain beyond computer hacking and AI, is "human hacking", and the risks posed by AI and AR. Awareness and understanding of this domain of the mind seems useful. Certainly, the CCP's military seems to take it seriously.