
N/A subscribers


am i missing something here!

by /u/zx2478 · 0 votes · 2020-04-18 23:37:00

I know that tails is an amnesiac system so starts as a new device every time its booted but surely some settings and saved documents stay on the device?
The 3 things ive encountered so far are:
1. Ive got to input the wifi pass code each time I login which is annoying
2. I have to enable safest security via clicking the sheild on the right side of the search bar so javascript is disabled. Should this not be done by default?
3. Probably most annoyingly my pgp key details is also gone.

Im obviously not saving this info correctly so can soemone help me out please.


Comments (2)
/u/Froken · N/A votes · 18th April, 2020 - 23:45 · Link

You can configure the persistent volume

/u/zx2478 · N/A votes · 19th April, 2020 - 00:43 · Link

thanks.....yeah I saw that ...... at first thought it was volume settings!