
N/A subscribers


Abacus can't get on Pending Approval

by /u/Schapellecorby · 0 votes · 20th August, 2022 02:07

[pending approval]

Comments (4)
/u/weirdaf1 · N/A votes · 20th August, 2022 - 16:32 · Link

Seems to be working on my end, try generate a new link or create new circuits. If that doesn't seem to work for you then try grab a whole new identity.

/u/BoomShaka · N/A votes · 22nd August, 2022 - 09:24 · Link

I've spent around 6 hours today. Trying every possible method, link etc.. Nothing works. I'm tearing my hair out. I've messaged Kangaroo Kicks (as they suggest).. but no response from them. I really loved this market.. but if I can't get on, I can't use it. I'm SO close to moving permanently to another market. I was previously spending between 1.5k and 3k most weeks here (not a huge customer but a very regular one and not insignificant either). Please Abacus do whatever needs to be done.. surely there is a method of preventing these attacks from keeping us customers out for days at a time?

/u/weirdaf1 · N/A votes · 22nd August, 2022 - 14:11 · Link

There has been significant updates too the market , also they still seem to be battling DDOS but that wont last as abacus has worked hard to get to where they are now and are still working very hard to keep us users with a smooth experience but sometimes you have to understand that most top markets do have their downtime. I can't confirm how many people are struggling to get on the market but it does look like a fair amount , we should consider that the team behind this service are not leaving anytime soon so there shouldn't be a massive problem to worry about. Try what you can , Like i said create new circuits and what not eventually youll be able to get in.

/u/MichaelCorleone · N/A votes · 23rd August, 2022 - 23:42 · Link

looks like a problem at their end, the market has not been offline for 6 hours definitely, I can guarantee, we have active workers checking uptimes and active tools checking with automated scripts, def market working good these days, there can be downtimes, but nothing significant. Subdread would be full of posts if that happens.

/u/weirdaf1 · N/A votes · 24th August, 2022 - 03:03 · Link

Long Live Abacus.

/u/MichaelCorleone · N/A votes · 23rd August, 2022 - 23:42 · Link

Just send me a private message and will help you, but I can guarantee market is working 100% all private links and everything, we keep adding private links everyday for new users and backup sites, trust me all good

/u/SteveIrwin · N/A votes · 20th August, 2022 - 05:18 · Link


/u/BoomShaka · N/A votes · 22nd August, 2022 - 09:30 · Link

you make it sound like working links are being handed out by Oprah.. you get a working link, and you get a working link! Just check under your seat.. everyone gets a working link!!! Sorry to be sarcastic. I literally spent all day trying to get a working link.. aaaannnnddd ..... no joy.

/u/popcornpete99 · N/A votes · 20th August, 2022 - 03:16 · Link

im having same trouble

/u/WeAreAMSTERDAM · N/A votes · 20th August, 2022 - 07:37 · Link

You've tried Rotator.to ? X X X WeAreAMSTERDAM

/u/BoomShaka · N/A votes · 22nd August, 2022 - 09:56 · Link

only 5000 times.. refresh x 1000, finally get link.. doesnt work.. kill tor browser.. start again repeat repeat repeat etc etc etc

/u/WeAreAMSTERDAM · N/A votes · 22nd August, 2022 - 15:33 · Link

/u/MichaelCorleone Any updates about current situation? X X X WeAreAMSTERDAM

/u/BoomShaka · N/A votes · 22nd August, 2022 - 16:40 · Link

I still cannot get in to abacus. Can you please let me know, do vendors have working links? Will the orders i placed over the last couple days be processed or are vendors unable to get working links as well?

/u/WeAreAMSTERDAM · N/A votes · 22nd August, 2022 - 17:33 · Link

Vendorlinks work, so the chance your order is shipped is very high. X X X WeAreAMSTERDAM

/u/MichaelCorleone · N/A votes · 23rd August, 2022 - 23:38 · Link

My friend :) not issues to access Abacus Market. access rotator.to click generate link from group 1 or 2 if you are using mobile phone, if you are on laptop I suggest number 3, but not issues sir, transactions taken place more than ever before.

/u/MichaelCorleone · N/A votes · 23rd August, 2022 - 23:40 · Link

All good, Abacus is always accessible, maybe there is temporal downtimes of few minutes in some links as all darknet websites, this is tor after all, but the market is always working so far. If market would not work, trust me subdread would be full of posts about it.