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help with drug manufacture :D

by /u/cookingAMF · 0 votes · 2021-02-23 02:13:00

Hi everyone I have a question, anyone knows any other forum or someone who helped to recreate the process of creating crystals or amphetamines

Comments (1)
/u/earpain · N/A votes · 1st March, 2021 - 23:04 · Link

search the clearnet for the Rhodium chemistry archive. Come back and rephrase your question using better terminology and i'll gladly recommend a forum=D

/u/cookingAMF · N/A votes · 5th March, 2021 - 08:57 · Link

okay, i accept the challenge

/u/earpain · N/A votes · 5th March, 2021 - 14:20 · Link

Look forward to your return =D

/u/cookingAMF · N/A votes · 18th June, 2021 - 21:16 · Link

okej mate j have question I want to synthesize hydroiodide with iodine, red phosphorus and water and I would like to know how to do it in the safest way without the bum effect, it is about the doses of iodine and red phosphorus: D you think that such terminology is enough or better to figure something out