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how long BTC to abacus wallet?

by /u/RoseJerra · 0 votes · 2022-08-17 07:51:00

Hi, about 30 mins ago I deposited BTC to my abacus wallet - but nothing shown up - I used the wallet address that abacus provided and was expecting it to be there. The site says something about 'The balance will appear after 3 confirmations' - not sure what these confirmations are. How long does it normally take to see BTC in Abacus?

Comments (2)
/u/Flashmoney · N/A votes · 17th August, 2022 - 11:24 · Link

Wait an hour

/u/Geralt · N/A votes · 17th August, 2022 - 12:06 · Link

in my experience, an hour and it was there. I received the same notification you had, so I was happy to wait for the confirmation.