
N/A subscribers


Looking for a french shrooms vendor

by /u/dbhkwiadaaaaaaaaaa · 0 votes · 2023-03-20 18:53:00

suprisingly hard to find one, looking for one that does stealth aswell
(thx /u/partytime for directing me to the correct subdread)

Comments (1)
/u/partytime · N/A votes · 20th March, 2023 - 19:06 · Link

You're welcome, mate. You might also check /d/DarkNetFrance for shroom vendors. Didn't know France had its own sub, but it makes sense. Well, makes sense if you parler the language, that is. ;)

/u/dbhkwiadaaaaaaaaaa · N/A votes · 20th March, 2023 - 19:07 · Link

i'll ask there aswell thx