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A strange recipe to create LSD

by /u/[deleted] · 0 votes · 2023-10-02 22:40:00

Hello, Good morning, afternoon or evening depending on the time zone you are in, Surfing the internet I have come across a kind of recipe for synthesizing LSD, I am interested to know if anyone knowledgeable on this subject can corroborate that this recipe is true.

LSD is derived from ergotamine alkaloids, which is commonly found in hops (from which beer is made) and rye. Beers made from rye contain small amounts of ergotamine. Look for one made from rye and not barley. Don't even think about doing it with beer made from barley because after brewing it you won't get LSD. But,
could ergotamine be obtained in another way? It could be obtained through Morning Glory, and other seeds.

Now, if you're hoping to buy it from a chemical store, the truth is you can't. And if you could, you shouldn't. If you could, you shouldn't. And if you could, you shouldn't. A private individual can raise suspicions by buying chemicals that are drug precursors.

I will be clearer, I will give you an example, methylamine is not a precursor of any drug, but it is a compound commonly used in Synthesis of psychoactive substances, as well as in other "legal" Syntheses, well if you go to a store to buy it you will have the police watching you.

Well, buy 12 large cans of beer made from rye. In a pot heat the beer over low heat, this is to evaporate the water and concentrate the ergotamine, Boiling the beer will take you 36 hours. Don't even think of shortening the boiling time, it's up to you to get LSD or get nothing. But, could you pour all the beer at once and not have to pour it for 36 hours? The answer is no. Boiling the beer for 36 hours is not only evaporating the water, but also other less volatile substances that must also be removed.

Now, you might also ask yourself: If instead of 12 cans of beer I use 6,

could I cut the time in half, i.e. 18 hours? The truth is that yes and no, I explain: If you maintain the boiling during 36 hours your product could be decomposed, since it would be too much time in absence of water, but if you maintain it 18 hours you run the risk that it does not evaporate everything that it is necessary to eliminate, so a prudential time in this case would be about 24 hours. When the beer evaporates add more, remember that you have 12 cans.

At the end of so much boiling you have the essential components of 12 beers at the bottom of the pot. Now you have to neutralize the pH of the ergotamine solution which is weakly acidic, for this you need a weak base.

Skimmed milk is ideal for this. Add 1/4 glass of skimmed milk and wait 30 minutes for the reaction to reach equilibrium. At this point you have a solution of ergotamine with which you can continue the process. This solution should be a creamy brown color. But, when pouring the milk.

Does the fire have to be on? No, it does not have to be on fire. As I said the fire is only to concentrate the ergotamine, it is not necessary to maintain a high temperature to carry out an acid-base reaction. However, nothing contrary to this may occur.

If you are wondering why to use skim milk instead of regular milk, it is because regular milk has fats that can interact and cause unwanted side reactions. Be careful because ergotamine is a DEADLY POISON. The next thing to do is to combine lysine with the ergotamine solution. You can get lysine in any herbalist's shop. You need about 2 grams of lysine (that is 20 tablets of 100 mg).

Chill the ergotamine solution until it is almost frozen in your refrigerator. Now grind the lysine tablets with a mortar, pestle, coffee grinder or whatever you can to a powder and add it to the ergotamine solution. Now you have lysergic acid, which is no small thing. Lysergic acid is illegal, what you want is LSD which is the diethylamine of lysergic acid, so all you have to do is ethyl your compound and then ammoniate it. Sounds difficult!

Now you'll see it's not! Just add ethyl alcohol to the lysergic acid. Some pure alcohol is ideal. Add a glass of pure alcohol and then to remove the hydroxyls add 6 glasses of 4% hydrogen peroxide (also called hydrogen peroxide). Be careful because now your compound is highly volatile - keep it away from fire or you will burn your eyelashes! The last step in the preparation is to add 4 ounces of pure ammonia (28.75gr) to the solution and let it sit at normal temperature for 3 days. This waiting time allows a very slow reaction to take place. At high temperature this reaction is faster, but you risk losing the LSD because it decomposes. At the end of the three days, you have LSD! But is it all done in the same pot? Does it have to rest open or closed? In an open place like a patio, maybe? Everything is done in the same big pot, there is plenty of room, but then when you add the water you have to use a barrel (90 liters).

The ideal place to leave it to rest is in a closed room in the dark because LSD decomposes with light, heat and atmospheric oxygen. It decomposes slowly but better safe than sorry.

The expected yield of LSD is 100 Gr, about one million doses! You must be VERY VERY VERY careful at this point, because the solution you have in your hands is extremely concentrated. If you get your hands on it you may be stoned for years. Now put 90 liters of water in a barrel pour in the LSD and shake it with a long paddle. At this level of dissolution 1/4 glass contains about 100 doses. You can help yourself with a dropper (3 or 4 drops per dose of 50 micrograms, but it depends on what each of you likes).

To avoid having to use the 90 liters of a barrel, could it be done in proportion, that is, if for 100 Gr are 90 liters, for 1 Gr would be 0.9 liters? Exactly you can use this law of proportions. But the fact that they are doses of 50 micrograms is not indicative of what should be taken. The best tripi on the market, the famous "Panoramix" contains 200 micrograms. But when it reaches the consumer it contains a little less (part of the LSD will have decomposed).

Well, if you say: I would eat half a Panoramix, then you take 2 doses of 50 micrograms. This way you can know the equivalence between what you have prepared and what is sold out there.

What precautions should be taken in order to obtain LSD in a homemade way, that is to say, what are the most common mistakes that could be made? Almost all ergotamine alkaloids are highly poisonous. When Albert Hofmann himself discovered LSD-25 it was not in his plans to test it.

He took it by accident and that is how its potent psychoactive properties were revealed. However, one must be very careful with the Synthesis, as a small mistake can be fatal.

The most dangerous steps are reported in it. Ergotamine is a lethal poison, when lysergic acid is diluted the compound is flammable, keep it away from any source of flame or spark, and use a well ventilated place where the gases cannot concentrate. Care should also be taken when diluting the solution to 90 liters.

It would be very convenient to wear rubber gloves during the whole Synthesis, but especially at this point and when working the ergotamine.

One last thing is: what the hell do I do with 1'000,000 doses of LSD? Well, since I don't think you have the capacity to consume and/or distribute that much LSD, the leftover should be boiled before pouring it down the drain. This is for the LSD to decompose.... And why do you want it to decompose? Because LSD also affects animals and with such a quantity you can cause a real environmental catastrophe. Enjoy

Comments (5)
/u/[deleted] · N/A votes · 2nd October, 2023 - 23:43 · Link

HAHAHAHA, not. I've seen this too many times for it to be funny anymore, I pity whoever took the time to re-write this ancient shit post. To anyone getting horny reading this, dreaming about the cash mountain you'll soon be sitting on, PLEASE update us on how your synthesis goes, I could use a good laugh.

/u/lainloveslsd · N/A votes · 3rd October, 2023 - 00:32 · Link

The shitpost has reached a level where I cannot even be sure if this is real.

/u/FOLKNATION · N/A votes · 3rd October, 2023 - 02:10 · Link

Not possible, wasting your time

/u/curiouslybored · N/A votes · 3rd October, 2023 - 15:58 · Link

Jesus H Christ.. this was a long one to read. I am unbelievably confused. This can't be serious. This is like saying "mixing sodium chloride with water will generate pure sodium metal and chlorine gas, just be careful because sodium metal is explosive with water and chlorine gas is very dangerous and was used as a chemical weapon", or "hydrogen peroxide is just like water, just with an extra oxygen. h2o2. this means if you drink it, you won't have to breathe as much, since your body gets more oxygen from the water". My head hurts from this (hopefully) shitpost. This post is a memetic hazard.

/u/Thelizardking1976 · N/A votes · 26th October, 2023 - 09:23 · Link

LMAO I ain't a master chemist but I definitely know enough that I've synthesized numerous compounds. And from my understanding LSD is one of the more complex substances to produce. I'm almost irritated as I spent that much time reading this. Lmao but hell it's on the internet it has to be true right.