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AppArmor for Feather Wallet

by /u/AbraCadaver · 0 votes · 2024-03-12 11:59:00

Is there a way to enable AppArmor for feather wallet? According to feather setup guide, you download save and run an AppImage. It seems like there is a github repo for something similar garlicgambit/apparmor-monero-tails but might be for something else. Is there a way to enable AppArmor for AppImage files or programs?

I also noticed there is an monero package in synaptic package manager but it looks like it would take 100GB+ to download the full blockchain hich would be difficult with most usb stcks and limited bandwidth. But would using this ensure AppArmor protection?

What is the most secure way people are dealing with monero on Tails these days?


Comments (2)
/u/hangman1771 · N/A votes · 16th March, 2024 - 01:36 · Link

Found something out?

/u/AbraCadaver · N/A votes · 16th March, 2024 - 07:29 · Link

Unfortunately not. As you can see, it's crickets in here. Althought I did a little more research and at least Feather is open source so if there was dangerous code in there it surely would have been found by now. It also routes traffic through Tor which is good. I suppose teh safest thing would be to use it sparingly and by itself.

/u/hangman1771 · N/A votes · 17th March, 2024 - 06:05 · Link

Agreed! What do you mean "by itself"?

/u/AbraCadaver · N/A votes · 17th March, 2024 - 13:02 · Link

I just mean boot tails, open Feather and do your stuff, then close it and carry on with the rest of whatever you need to do. Probably pretty hard to do but as i understand the more apps open the more possibility of eaesdroping on other processes through 0-days etc.

/u/hangman1771 · N/A votes · 19th March, 2024 - 23:57 · Link

Yeah thats what I thought. It's a good thought. I had it myself too. Do you think it kind of replaces AppArmor, meaning it is not necessary any more when doing it like that?

/u/AbraCadaver · N/A votes · 21st March, 2024 - 09:24 · Link

Honestly I don't know man sorry,,,just a guess

/u/wagoncaptain · N/A votes · 3rd April, 2024 - 14:59 · Link

well, yea you can enable apparmor for anything. you can easily set a persistence.conf entry with mode=link to copy your custom profile(s) into place from your persistent volume. if you want an apparmor profile written for you I can do it for a fee. i think you are a little paranoid though. you're talking about 0days ITT which have an astronomical cost associated with developing or procuring, and every single use of them exposes their existence which means truly powerful 0days are only used on the most high value of targets. your small potatoes drug operation or carding operation ain't it.