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encrypt a message

by /u/zx2478 · 0 votes · 2020-04-19 05:12:00

Im trying to encrypt a message to send to a market which I have encryted it with their key. I have done this in the text editor so its has been saved as .pgp. The problem is I am copying the symbol of the letter and pasting it on their site but it is not showing as an encryoted message and just a list of the type of file. My question is how do see the encrypted message as a text so I can just copy and paste the whole text which is what i used to do with my old pgp software? To be a bit more clearer I have saved the letter in documents so when I open documents there are small letter symbols with the name of the file underneath them, I then click on the letter and it brings up a list of the files present in documents.

Comments (1)
/u/Paprikae · N/A votes · 19th April, 2020 - 05:21 · Link

I'm not sure what you're doing, but if you have the message properly saved in the .pgp file, right click it, hit "Open With Other Application", and then look for Text Editor (you might have to click View All Applications). You can copy what's inside and paste that out if it's properly encoded with the block format below: -----BEGIN PGP MESSAGE----- -----END PGP MESSAGE-----

/u/zx2478 · N/A votes · 19th April, 2020 - 06:05 · Link

thanks for the reply as it got me a little further. I am trying to encrypt the message with 2 public keys for admin of a market. For soem reason I can only import 1 of the keys but this should still be ok according to the market im in. Anyway I done what you said and opened it with text editor and the message was all jumbled up with red text so something i have done is wrong. Ill delete what Ive done and try again. cheers. On another point - I have persistant volume on but it doesnt seem to keep security to the highest level and when I log in I forget to do it and then I get a message that java script is running. Is there a setting to keep it on the highest security?

/u/CoughingForTheCure · N/A votes · 19th April, 2020 - 12:44 · Link

>im not sure what youre doing yeah this post makes no sense im so confused what is happening

/u/Realzlife · N/A votes · 19th April, 2020 - 06:09 · Link

import one key at a time (copy and paste to text editor) and save it wherever you save your keys. Double click all the keys in their saved area and they will be added to your key ring. So when you highlight the msg in the clipboard and go to sign/encrypt there should be options for all the keys that you've saved and double clicked

/u/zx2478 · N/A votes · 19th April, 2020 - 06:23 · Link

ive highlighted the letter in documents, then clicked sign/encrypt, ive chosen their key to encrypt with and `dont sign` on the bottom right, it then says ` the key is not fully trusted do you trust this key` , to that I select yes and then nothing happens and im just back to the page with the letter and its not encrypted?

/u/Realzlife · N/A votes · 19th April, 2020 - 06:24 · Link

open a new page in text editor and press paste and tell me what you see

/u/zx2478 · N/A votes · 19th April, 2020 - 06:29 · Link

sorted it mate!.... when I said nothing happenned it actually copied the encrypted message to my clipboard to which Ive pasted and its ok. Many thanks for your help. On anothe rnote is there any way of getting PGP4usb working on tails? I need access to it as it was my old method of encryption but I cant open it?

/u/Realzlife · N/A votes · 19th April, 2020 - 06:33 · Link

Yes that is correct, and always pgp with your own as well so you can decrypt the msg too. I'm not familiar with PGP4usb but VeraCrypt is built into talis and it's a USB decryption tool.

/u/Paprikae · N/A votes · 19th April, 2020 - 06:24 · Link

Give the terminal a try. Open it up and use the following command: cat < where the key name above is changed depending on who you're encrypting the message for. You'll be able to type in whatever message you'd like, and then finish it off by typing in "END" in its own line. Once you do that, it'll automatically take what you input before that and encrypt it to the specified recipient. The resulting message will be printed to the terminal and you can simply copy it wherever you need. As for your second issue, follow the guide over at /post/f9438b8e69e162f4e2f6/ to automatically set TBB to the safest level with persistence.

/u/[deleted] · N/A votes · 19th April, 2020 - 16:42 · Link

Is there a setting to keep it on the highest security? No its normal that Tails forget this setting after a reboot.

/u/Paprikae · N/A votes · 19th April, 2020 - 12:57 · Link

It is normal, but if you want to have it keep those settings, the guide at /post/f9438b8e69e162f4e2f6/ will get you set up. Just an FYI.

/u/Paprikae · N/A votes · 19th April, 2020 - 12:58 · Link

Haha, it had me pretty confused, but people of all backgrounds use Tails. Gotta get them all get set up for our collective security! Hail PGP.