
N/A subscribers


Dating, Drugs, and Dealing

by /u/yaranaa · 0 votes · 2024-05-07 08:14:00

Ayoo, so I'm a widow on the younger-side* and trying to get back into dating after like an decade out of the game.

Do you all date? If you don't mind me asking, how do you feel the activities you arrange in this wonderful TOR browser affect your dating life? Obviously I know I some men/women and I won't match just due to substances, like I'd never date anyone trying to stay clean, anyone who hasn't used x,y,z, etc. I'm also wondering if you have any advice or tips on disclosure, etc.

I already have a few crucial deetz to fill them in on and god it sucks (widow, drugs, crazy), but hey, I have a good legit job, own a house, and we'll be getting a fat inheritance (delayed dowry?) if we don't lose all our lives before my parents lose theirs.

Honestly, I haven't told a single guy I've dated that I sell drugs, aside from one with whom I didn't end up dating, but ended up being besties with instead. Even then I was pretty tight-lipped at first after he made remarks about mailing out a fair quantity of suboxone monthly, hah. We grew closer and closer, but he still only knows a fraction of everything and absolutely nothing about the darkweb haha, though he is on my team now. ;)

Comments (4)
/u/yaranaa · N/A votes · 7th May, 2024 - 09:16 · Link

*Cause of Death: it's what everyone always wants to know so I'll save you having to ask - Sudden Unexpected Death in Epilepsy (SUDEP) due to a prolonged grand mal seizure while the EMTs stood around doing nothing. A concussion from a seizure the day prior when he hit his head was also likely a contributing factor.

/u/TerroristsUnited · N/A votes · 7th May, 2024 - 09:52 · Link

I've never been a hardcore drug user, but smoke weed and anyone in my "friend" circle knows that. All the women I've dated smoked weed. They knew I sold drugs as they all was my buyer. Really, all I dated was gang members or affiliates. But naw, if you tryna date a normal mf dont mention it unless he into it

/u/pathfinder232 · N/A votes · 7th May, 2024 - 11:39 · Link

The more in love your partner is, the more angry he may become when things go wrong. Lets hope they won't, but be prepared. Lives of many people were destroyed because by false accusations of former lovers, not to mention true ones. I do not share this part of my life with anyone outside of it, and I advise you to do the same. Imagine having a fight, will you have in the back of your mind after every argument, won't the police come knocking because he got so pissed off that he decided to spill? Not worth it at all.

/u/escaflownasal · N/A votes · 7th May, 2024 - 13:10 · Link

I dunno, pretty sure every chick I've dated while being a dealer had BPD, Bipolar or was on the antisocial spectrum. Prettymuch all girls in their teens/20's are down with dating a dealer but for dudes mostly ones who have already been to jails so also on the antisocial/ADHD spectrum.