
N/A subscribers


I'd stay away AU->AU vendor - gethigh025

by /u/0nthacase · 0 votes · 2023-09-02 18:40:00

Sorry don't usually make these posts but has anyone ordered and had a good experience from this vendor "gethigh025"
Their posts seems pretty sus (from the point of view of an aussie selling such a range of product out of the blue)
They apparently stock Quaalude's and they use one of the first picture's searching Mandrax of someone else's bottle from Reddit.
No Reviews - Questionable, Vendor..

I'd stay away.
stay safe guys nd safe nods

Comments (4)
/u/theshadowofmyballs · N/A votes · 2nd September, 2023 - 20:09 · Link

yeah they might not be from aus and are just sending from overseas or a scam

/u/0nthacase · N/A votes · 2nd September, 2023 - 20:35 · Link

i've only seen them so far on archetyp since that's all the energy I have right now for finding them but if they are on any other sites. Since they only offer bulk for their listings if anyone does take the risk to place an order i'd be interested to know how it goes but I'm not even going to bother since majority of listing images are ripped off the internet.

/u/SteveIrwin · N/A votes · 2nd September, 2023 - 23:12 · Link


/u/0nthacase · N/A votes · 3rd September, 2023 - 18:00 · Link

Yup exactly what I was thinking, all those points amount to a highly suspicious account. I'll send a msg about ordering a lower amount to test any product and if no i'll report to the market mod's and get them to make the final decision

/u/aufreedom · N/A votes · 3rd September, 2023 - 12:51 · Link

Is there even a market for Quaaludes LMAO why would they make that listing? Belfort wannabees...

/u/0nthacase · N/A votes · 3rd September, 2023 - 18:01 · Link

negative, the only way to source Quaalude's is to have a very good friend in South Africa or to go there yourself and avoid being ripped to shreds or held captive by a warlord.

/u/teambro · N/A votes · 18th September, 2023 - 01:17 · Link

There's always one in every class...