
N/A subscribers


Looking For a BTC Vendor [SERIOUS]

by /u/copthedruhh · 0 votes · 1st April, 2020 19:53


Comments (3)
/u/Chronos · N/A votes · 1st April, 2020 - 20:00 · Link

Hello FED

/u/WeAreAMSTERDAM · N/A votes · 1st April, 2020 - 20:02 · Link

We can payout for you cop. We handle for you special price 50%

/u/HumanPie · N/A votes · 1st April, 2020 - 20:06 · Link

Violation of sub rules: 4 - No general sourcing submissions. There is an entire sub dedicated to sourcing (/d/dnmsourcing) and all sourcing requests are to be made there.