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Update on BONGOCHEMS Review

by /u/Qwertyqbert · 0 votes · 2024-04-17 21:53:00

Making mistakes so you don't have to.

So I sent in the 4F-MPH pills from Bongochems... they are indeed legit 4f-MPH, no detected impurities. I used Kykeon Analytics, so you can check it out for yourselves once they post the data on their site. Wanted to let everyone know about this, because I thought the pills were rather dull in effect. That seems to be my problem, not Bongo's. They have legit products and deliver the goods, so keep them in mind.

Comments (2)
/u/syn6 · N/A votes · 20th April, 2024 - 16:32 · Link

the issue with a lot (potentially, all) of the 4f-mph going around these days is actually related to a poor erythro diastereomer balance due to the synthesis route everyone seems to be using so this is actually a rare occasion where it's not bongo's problem OR yours. i use a different reputable vendor for 4f and i have to push my oral dosage well over 15mg+ higher than the "heavy" dosage of 10mg because that dosage range was established from the batches going around in the early 2010s and is seemingly no longer accurate but i ultimately end up with the expected effects once my dosage is pushed high enough a bit of a tangent and i know there are some drugs where there actually is a person by person variation due to liver enzymes etc but over the years ive come to realize from my personal experience that 95% of the time i think the drug isnt working right "for me", there actually is some form of quality control issue whether its known to the vendor or not

/u/Qwertyqbert · N/A votes · 20th April, 2024 - 17:16 · Link

This is a really interesting observation. I went back and looked at the report. It shows that the erythro is much more weighty than the threo, which, from what I've read, makes the 4f significantly less potent. Cool. Thanks.

/u/syn6 · N/A votes · 20th April, 2024 - 17:33 · Link

no prob, thanks for the anecdote from your report from what ive read there also seems to be some sort of issue with the lesser potent diastereomers competing for binding whereas a proper balance will usually see the molecule "setting" more appropriately (not a chem guy so this is the best way i can describe it)

/u/newbieforever2018 · N/A votes · 18th April, 2024 - 03:46 · Link

Thanks so much for the update.