
N/A subscribers


Info templates each market should have available on their subdread market profile page.

by /u/waitwtf13 · 0 votes · 17th December, 2023 21:49

It would be helpful to vendors and buyers (and markets really) if markets were required to provide certain information on their subdreads -on the same shelf as where the market pgp is located- in order for them to be included on the superlist. I checked out the wikis linked to in the superlist and that's a good start but they should be moved to each market's subdread profile page, and expanded to include things like the following:

Up to date, alphabetized vendor list
Vendor application

The above would be very helpful to all in getting ppl the information they need quick. What other details would be helpful to have standardized?

Comments (2)
/u/dontlaugh · N/A votes · 17th December, 2023 - 23:44 · Link

geez - i wonder what people did before the superlist. lol generally speaking people dont like being told how they should operate their business. which really is fair enough. asking them to format their subs the same as each other might be a little over reaching superlist/announcement requirements. the superlist was designed as a way to make it a little easier for people to navigate the kind of information you're talking about, but it's basically a manual process to update information there and takes a fair amount of time from mods here.

/u/waitwtf13 · N/A votes · 18th December, 2023 - 08:54 · Link

yeah, i certainly didnt intend to tell anybody how to operate their business -i was trying to share a way I thought a thing could be improved in a way that would benefit many but reading back now I obviously didn't use the correct combination of words to convey what I had in mind. Appreciate the cordial response

/u/CodeIsLaw · N/A votes · 17th December, 2023 - 22:48 · Link

Up to date, alphabetized vendor list I would imagine this would take a lot of work to Update without some sort of API to feed the info into, as new Vendors Join and get Banned from Large Markets by the Hour.

/u/waitwtf13 · N/A votes · 18th December, 2023 - 09:04 · Link

That single line was the motivation for the entire post. Yes, without the infrastructure in place to pipe that data into dread it would be incredibly laborious and tedious, especially if the aim was to have an accurate reflection of a market's vendors in real time. But I don't think that level of velocity is necessary. Instead, just a weekly batch export of a market's vendors would be a good starting point and would for sure be a great resource. but getting to dontlaugh's point above, adding another "to do" onto somebody else's -i'm sure already- long list of weekly tasks is not what im about so we can let both this half baked idea and hastily construed post die right here.