
N/A subscribers



by /u/BidensWarAid · 0 votes · 2024-03-08 02:02:00

We're going to be giving away 20 units of both 50x DP & 50x B974 away for FREE.


We will restock this every week until the end of March.

1. One freebie per customer only. Don't be that guy, we will cancel your order.
2. Cover the $15 Shipping Fee

We all took losses during Incognito's Exit. We hope this will be a great step towards recovery.

You can find us on SUPER with the alias "BIDENDADDY"

SUPER Referral Link:


Comments (3)
/u/DigitalShaman · N/A votes · 8th March, 2024 - 05:49 · Link

I am guessing these are presses and not legit pharma, becuase otherwise these prices would make no sense. What's actually in them? Probably a good deal either way, but just curious if you're willing to be candid about what's actually inside them.

/u/BidensWarAid · N/A votes · 8th March, 2024 - 06:02 · Link

Yes you are correct. The price is a dead giveaway these are presses, pressed with Meth. I do have legit pharma listed in my shop. E341 10MG IR Adderall by Epic Pharma. I sell them at $1/MG.

/u/DigitalShaman · N/A votes · 8th March, 2024 - 06:10 · Link

Any idea roughly what the dose is in each pill? I'm sure there's some minor variance but what were they intended to be? or is the mg in the listings the actual amount of meth pressed in each pill?

/u/b100dr4yne · N/A votes · 8th March, 2024 - 06:33 · Link

pressed wuth pure meth only? or mixed with anything else??

/u/serveman39 · N/A votes · 14th March, 2024 - 05:05 · Link

I've personally tried them and I shit you not, they are really good quality. Especially for the price. I highly recommend. Also communication is probably the best I've seen.

/u/zelaphishio38z · N/A votes · 1st April, 2024 - 08:11 · Link

Tried these out personally, and these presses are top quality, my custies can't even tell they are pressed. Definitely worth investing in.