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Vacation Update/Announcement Tuesday 4/23/24

by /u/wrseh10 · 0 votes · 2024-04-23 22:32:00

Hello, good evening to all. We hope you are all enjoying this beautiful Spring evening. A happy belated 4/20 as well. We are here on Tuesday 4/23 to announce/fill you guys in on our upcoming plans & our current time frame for the vacation we are on.

We know & understand the nature of the product we sell. We are fully aware that some of our loyal customers need our product or something of similar quality to not be ill or sick. We love you all & wish we could help you all whilst still turning a profit because let's face it, with the consequences involved we do not love you guys that damn much.

Anyway we told a few of our most loyal customers that order regularly we would do a stock check yesterday Monday 4/22 when we were getting out our final/last orders before we are fully done & on vacation minus any USPS issues of course. It is now Tuesday 4/23. We have shipped out our final orders, we are officially on vacation. We are very sorry to inform all of you no matter how loyal you are or how much you would like to order - even if you bribe us - we will not be able to fill any orders until Monday 4/29 at the earliest possible date. There will be absolutely no exceptions to that date/statement.

When we started out 6 months ago we were very open about what we were doing & the issues we were facing. We were more open to marketing & making public announcements more often. As time has gone on the work speaks for itself. Reviews & stats are the best marketing. So we have decided for Op-Sec purposes we would try to stay as publicly silent as possible. We have the most CW sales on Archetyp this year, we do not need any extra attention from L.E. We are going to do our best to increase our public presence on these public forums while on vacation to keep you guys updated. We are also going to try to be as open as possible about what is going on & our future plans. For Op-Sec purposes we obviously can not divulge every detail, but we will continue to do our best to inform you guys on our status & time frame for a return while on vacation.

Here is the current situation right now -

We have been pretty open to everyone that we need to make some major changes to our vendorship to ensure longevity. We would have loved to stay open while making these changes, but it has proven impossible to apply these changes as a small team with a full plate already. Due to one of these major changes we will not have any stock available to us until at least Monday 4/29. Probably sometime during the week after Monday at that. We are trying to let everyone know that we may not be available for your next pick up/order. Please do not wait or depend on us right now. We are more interested in longevity. Changes needed to be made. We are working on it. Some of these changes can not be rushed for op-sec reasons.

We are also just burnt out & exhausted. We are hoping the week of Monday 4/29 we may start to see some of these plans & changes take form/action. At that point we will absolutely update you guys on where we stand. Monday is basically when we go from relaxing to taking action, having team meetings, & making a full fledged plan for the future. This will all take time. We are not committed to anything yet at all except for the longevity of this vendorship. We know it can be torturous to not have any time frame at all from us, but we will be working on it shortly. Our safety is of the utmost importance so we will be implementing change & working on improving the vendorship while away until we are ready to make a return. We also hope it is sooner rather than later.

There is not much else to be said right now other than that. We answered all comms Monday morning at 5 a.m. We are going to answer as many as we can right now Tuesday evening. As we have said all orders are now out & shipped. We will be here for any comms or issues involving these orders until they all close. Thank you all.

With Love & Respect,
The Wrseh10 Team

Comments (1)
/u/Thehighlow · N/A votes · 23rd April, 2024 - 22:55 · Link

Thank you for being transparent. I respect that and I'm sure many others will agree. Hoping to see you back as soon as you're comfortable and ready!

/u/wrseh10 · N/A votes · 24th April, 2024 - 22:17 · Link

Thank you very much. Appreciate it very much.