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is there a private notepad website or application?

by /u/boogoojak · 0 votes · 2024-04-26 19:45:00

apparently not even linux text editor is safe, if that's the case what's the most private way for me to takedown and save notes on a PC?

Comments (7)
/u/piezoofc · N/A votes · 26th April, 2024 - 20:46 · Link

Maybe use the notes feature in KeePass, KeePass has good encryption and It's self hosted, you can use Syncthings to sync it with other devices, its also FOSS

/u/glowingfreemason · N/A votes · 26th April, 2024 - 20:53 · Link

Just use VIM, on an encrypted partition. I'll trust anything on my drive more than stuff hosted by some guys I don't know. That's why KeePassXC is also preferred by many in comparison to other options, because it's database is offline on your device.

/u/b1ankface · N/A votes · 26th April, 2024 - 19:47 · Link

an encrypted volume or tails

/u/FokkingFire420 · N/A votes · 26th April, 2024 - 19:54 · Link

Whatever you do, do not trust any online notepad service. Either Encrypted persistent storage on tails or encrypt something with veracrypt. Like a usb

/u/DaVenom · N/A votes · 26th April, 2024 - 20:00 · Link

Use a stand-alone computer (no network) with keyboard connected with a cable (check cable for wire tapping) and make sure that there are no WiFi/Bluetooth components in the computer. Boot on console and do your typing with basic editors. When done encrypt message and copy it to an USB-stick. Move USB-stick to your communication computer and send the encrypted file. This way you minimize the attack vectors. However, if you need to be online there is always a risk that somebody can read your text. You could use a virtual keyboard, but if the computer is compromized the attacker might see everything anyway.

/u/Darkbeard · N/A votes · 26th April, 2024 - 20:07 · Link

Im still looking for a good notepad on linux

/u/kosovich · N/A votes · 26th April, 2024 - 22:56 · Link

Options: - Vim or nano in an encrypted partition (LUKS, Veracrypt.) - Notes in a KeepassXC DB inside a encrypted partition. Double Wrap. Things to stay away from: - ANY online note-taking app - ANY shit proprietary "hAck YoUR BrAiN" note-taking apps Edit: Always strive for tech minimalism.